Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Low Cost Illegal Labor undermines all Labor

 Low Cost Illegal Labor lowers the value of all labor.

This means that what you are paid as a legal worker will be less because cheap labor increases the number of workers and reduces your value. 

Many believe that Illegal Immigrants only do the work that Average Americans don't want to do.

This is the lie Big Business wants you to believe.  

Illegal Labor / Workers here without permission are in every business. There are a large number of them in Construction Jobs and these are jobs Americans want! They can be found in every corner of American Business. Because they will work for less money and less favorable working conditions this affects all jobs. 

They do not need to be kept out of the workforce, but we do need a guest worker program that keeps out criminals and limits the numbers of workers.  

Have you never asked yourself why there is no enforcement of the laws against businesses that employ them?  It's because they are good for business.  They are the slaves, the underclass that has no leverage against businesses. 

If the laws were enforced against businesses that hire them there would be no need for the Wall. 

What Happened to ISIS?

Did we win? 

Or has that Boogie Man run its course? 

So who will be the NEW BOOGIE MAN?  

How about we target those radicals that demand their God Given Rights? 

Yes!  Those Dirty Constitutionalists, those Dangerous Bill of Rights Believers. 

They are attempting to destroy "TODAYS" America. 





Take their dangerous ideas and bury them. 

Nothing is too "Safe" for us. 

The End of my America

 Wisdom demands that all political systems will fail. 

But it is with surprise that I watch America peak in the Sixties with the Moon Landing in July of 1969 to its failure in 2020 with its lies about a manufactured virus. Its decline also has a specific date.  November 22nd, 1963 with the assassination of John Kennedy. This was the event that began the downward pressure on the Republic. 

I am an American. I pledged allegiance to the flag, I made my promise and those that control the flag broke theirs.

Life, Liberty and Justice for all. 

America's God is $$$, CASH and Power.  Power to stifle competition.  Power to buy favorable legislation. Power to accumulate more $God.

The average person does not understand that Money is Finite. If the few have most of it, the many are left to scramble for the rest. The few use their power to create need, to create shortages, to create monopolies. 

The many accept this system, accept that healthcare is outrageously expensive.  That energy and food is the same. They also accept/believe they must have a certain pair of shoes, a specific phone, a new car. They are taught to believe that with these things they will be happy, successful, attractive.  They don't see how they have become thoughtless slaves to shiny expensive toys. 

The many have traded liberty for safety.  Yet they don't feel safe.  It's funny that there is such a chasm between belief and reality.  The many believe that fantasy is fact.  Television IS Fantasy.  Its stories are fantasy, its values are fantasy, its NEWS is fantasy. Yet the many believe this fantasy is reality. 

This Fantasy has killed America. 

There is no fix, there is no solution.  There is nothing that can be proved, no example that will awaken. 

Most people are asleep, and sleep is comfortable. Many see bits and pieces of the non reality but they slam their perceptions closed.  No no that's the nightmare, don't look at that, they forget as they fall back to sleep. 

Sleep Well Americans, sleep well in your lockdown, sleep well in your comfortable slavery.  Little did you understand that as you enjoyed the series The Game of Thrones, you were being locked in and sold as the peasants that you are. 

December 30th 2020

Sunday, December 20, 2020

New VUI (VooDoo) Variant of the Lab Modified Covid-19 [Released?] in Europe

 What we are told about Covid is Bullshit.

Get real people, do a few hours of research. Covid was being modified in the US under Fauci. Bio Warfare Labs are now designated as Bio Defence.  Here is the thinking, Let's take a virus and make it more infectious to humans so we can create strategies on how to fight it. WTF!  Fauci was doing exactly this with Covid, then the consensus from other virologists was that this is way to dangerous and this practice was ended in the US.  It's called Gain of Function.  So our hero, Fauci, moves this study to a new Lab in Wuhan China. The first of its kind in China with a poor safety record. AND the Wuhan Lab is given a 7 million dollar grant.  And guess what?  It's claimed that a few miles away this very same virus, Naturally, infects the customers at an exotic foods market. 

BULLSHIT!  How can any thinking person believe this?  Nevermind that the virus was never found anywhere at the market. This virus that has shut down the world has never been found in nature.  I believe that the virus escaped the Wuhan Lab prematurely. OR someone released the virus near the lab so it would take the blame. 

Who does Covid kill?  The number of victims in the US shows a clear pattern of who is most at risk. Old people, 60 and over, Blacks and Latinos.  Wow!  Now why would some entity in the world target these people?  Maybe because there is no strategy for mitigating Climate Change?   Think about it.  How long before the World Population Doubles?  How can any meaningful change be made to the toxins and pollution and garbage and plastics being dumped into the environment.  Look at the big BIG PICTURE. 

Why the big push for self driving cars and TRUCKS! Why is AI and Automation being pushed to fill jobs that people need?  Maybe because the plan is to not have so many people??  Well how would YOU get rid of millions of people?  How about a pandemic?  Let's start out with something mild.  Like a bad flu.  Then we let people get used to all these restrictions because we don't want them to burn down the world that a few of us hope to inherit.  Then lets step up the process,  Oh sorry people, the virus has mutated, it's worse now. It will kill more people, but don't worry, if you're young, under 50 now, and not a minority you'll probably be OK. (Until we release phase 3). 

Well it looks like Phase 2, let's call it the VooDoo Variant is well established in Europe now.  

And what can we do about it?  We can try to spread the word but without the media looking into this we have little leverage.  When you listen to the news you have to remember, this is BIG CORP talking.  These people you see don't decide what to report. They are news readers. They are an honest face paid millions of dollars because focus groups have rated them on how likeable and honest they seem. Their goal is to not rock the boat so much that profits decline.  Just wear your mask and you'll be alright! Don't worry about your jobs, don't worry about your business.  Just stay inside, don't make waves, don't speak out of turn and never speak against the official narrative. 

Gain of Function Research Caused the Pandemic

I've had many people ask me how we should manage Covid.  (Manage Covid?)   To those of you that have never had an independent thought it is very fucking simple. 


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Letter To Dianne Feinstein

 Ms. Feinstein,  

who do you represent?  I am a lifelong California Resident and Veteran.  My family believes in our Constitution.  You took an oath to protect and defend these ideals.  You have done neither.  You have broken this oath over and over again.  You are not our Representative.   I too took an oath, many times I pledged my allegiance to America.  I was promised Life, Liberty and Justice.  America, and you, have not made good on this promise.  I now council young people not to join the Military.  I was honorably discharged but you believe that I am not worthy of owning a military style weapon.  "There is no such thing as an assault weapon!"  Citizens do not purchase firearms for offense.  All firearms purchased are for defense.  For some reason you believe that it is the weapon that is the problem.  Weapons do not load themselves and look for victims.  Highly deranged people are responsible for the shooting you like to emphasize.  DO ANY OF YOUR GUN RESTRICTIONS WORK TO  LIMIT THE NUMBER OF MENTALLY UNSTABLE PEOPLE IN OUR SOCIETY?  


thousands of crimes are prevented because of privately owned firearms.  Thefts, Burglaries, Assaults, Rapes, and Murders are prevented because criminal are afraid of citizens that can defend themselves.  But this is never pointed out by you or the media.  You have not only pushed to remove one of our fundamental rights, you have worked tirelessly to make us victims. You know that in every state that allows cancel carry there is less crime.  So I ask again Ms. Feinstein, who do you represent?  DO YOU REPRESENT OUR CONSTITUTION OR SOME ELITIST ATTITUDE THAT TURNS MANY AWAY FROM GOVERNMENT AND AUTHORITY? 

Rod Cambridge

Saturday, November 28, 2020

What Beliefs have Value

I complain often.  

I see a world filled with contradiction. 

Rather than start another rant I want to outline what is good, what has value, what needs protection. 

And for those that think they know me. These are my core beliefs. 

1. Freedom, the BIG #1.  

Ask yourself, What is Freedom?  Politicians have told us for decades that we need to fight for our freedom. How many have given their lives, suffered horrible injuries to protect what makes the U.S. different. 

I am proud to believe in Freedom, and today this labels me radical.  

I believe the Government is usually wrong. It is shackled by ridiculous political speak and ideas of correctness. 

Freedom of speech is an absolute. Yes, even shouting Fire in a crowded theater.  Let those that hear me judge for themselves if there is danger. Placing any well meaning limits on Speech is more detrimental than anything anyone might say.  

There is no such thing as Hate Speech. To criminalize speech is to outlaw ideas. Outlawing speech causes more harm than anything someone might say.

Now let me introduce a conundrum. I do not believe Freedom of Speech includes the right to lie. I do not believe that Freedom of Speech protects Institutional Propaganda. Speech designed to manipulate, like most advertising, does not deserve protection. 

The idea that it is illegal to hate or discriminate is a violation to freedom. In many ways, the foundation of freedom is to discriminate.

2. The United States Constitution.  I believe in the fundamental freedom outlined in the original Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  I also believe that any additions or expanded understanding of these rights, that add too or expand our rights need protection.  I also believe the opposite, additions or expansions that limit our freedom are to be resisted and ignored. 

The weaking any of our Rights, weakens them all. The Government is adept at finding good reasons to limit our rights. Sure, on the surface, to pander to small groups about the social issue of the day, our non representing representatives pass laws to pretend that they are responsive. Yet by any metrix, these laws do not make any difference. Gun laws are a good example, all the draconian laws passed to stem what's called gun violence have done nothing. There is only violence and no such thing as "Gun Violence." Unfortunately laws are not ever evaluated for effectiveness. They simply repress without any advantage and make criminals out of good citizens. 

3. Freedom of Thought.  I believe that everything needs to be questioned. Our most fundamental beliefs need to be pulled out and dusted off on a regular basis. We need to ask ourselves why we have these beliefs and are they worthy. Examples might be Marriage, Life Goals, Justice, Political Systems. 

Today we are warned off of certain thoughts.  To ask some questions labels you in derogatory ways. Does the display of the Confederate Flag only announce racial bias?  I don't think so.  Should Homosexuality be studied to ascertain genetic or developmental properties?  Sure.  Are masks effective?  Is racial diversity a strength?  There should be no taboo subjects.  Examination is not bias. 

4. I believe in gender.  I believe men and women are different but equal.  I believe each person should be perceived individually.  I believe much of what is called racial discrimination is simple culture bias. The more someone feels at risk of a social offence or the more difficult a social discourse, the more someone feels an uncertainty with interaction. 

Example: You are walking down the street. Walking towards you is a group that is dressed like you. That looks like you. That is cognisant of the people around them.  You feel comfortable with this group. If the same group does not dress like you, does not look like you and is loud speaking a different language, you feel less comfort. With one group your comfort stems from a likelihood of their actions. With the other group there is uncertainty because their actions are harder to predict.  Tribal bias?  

My example does not include race.  Race is not the primary factor, it does play a part but it is the anticipated actions of the group that is being assessed. And even in a situation when race plays a more important role, it is the perceived unpredictability of the group at play. This is a hardwired survival instinct, not a denigration of race. This is more a cultural assessment, not the over used, (I'm better than you), racist defindment.  

more later

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Covid-19 No Wild Sample Has Been Found

 Over and over again we are told that Covid -19 is a natural virus, not lab made and not released from the Wuhan Lab in China. Yet no wild virus has ever been found.  How is it that all these "experts" make this unsubstantiated claim of "Natural Occurring"?.  Many demand proof that the virus was man made but don't require any evidence of a natural origin. 

We are also not told of the connection between Dr. Fauci and the Wuhan Lab.  Or that the Wuhan Lab is in fact a bioweapons lab. We are not told that Dr. Fauci moved covid virus research to Wuhan when the type of research (gain of function) was stopped in the US.  This type of research is done to make an animal  virus that will infect human cells. 

It is no wonder that the US and China want to hide the fact that they created this pandemic and are responsible for how many deaths? Are responsible for how much loss of income?  

The Origin of this virus is paramount.  How can we stop this from happening again if we look the other way and let this kind of research continue? 

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Covid-19 by the Numbers? (Number of Infections) Proof of Concept

 I got to thinking today about this number.   (? = infections)    Gain of Function

And while I listened to the continuing one sided political coverage on cable news a (HCP) health care professional,  lamented the fact that many don't believe the official numbers.  Then this same HPC says that the number of infections may be 5 times higher than stated??  What?  Well, she says exactly what I've been thinking. A very large number of people suffer little or not at all from the virus. And many people don't have Health Insurance so even if they are infected they don't see a doctor.  They certainly don't call the CDC and say, "Please count me, I've got it!"  So you get it right? People with little or no symptoms don't see a doctor and don't get counted.  People without Health Insurance get sick and then get better and don't see a Doctor.  None of these cases get counted, so the number of infections will be much higher than what you are Officially told. 

What this means is the number of deaths per infection numbers are also bogus. Will these numbers be 5 times less significant?  Right now it's claimed that Covid is much more deadly than the Flu.  We were told at the beginning of the pandemic that Covid was anywhere from 50 to 100 times more deadly and that's the reason used to crash the economy and lockdown travel.  So what is the real number of deaths per infection?  Is it worse than the flu? 

The seasonal flu kills 50,000 people in the US in a bad year. 

The 200,000 Covid deaths is doubtful.  The CDC has says that only 6% of these deaths were health people without other major health problems.  The actual average number of these major problems is 2.8.

6% of 200,000 = 12,000 health people have died from Covid.  

So 94% of the Covid deaths counted were suffering from nearly three different life threatening diseases at the time of death. So a person with cancer and hypertension dies at 87 years old, the presiding Doctor says this person also had "symptoms" of Covid.  (Not tested for Covid). This is counted as a Covid death!  Bullshit.  Total Bullshit.  

The CDC counts deaths in two ways.  Confirmed Cases (Lab Tested) and PROBABLE Cases?  (No lab tests done!).  Don't believe me?  Below is the link to the CDC's classification for Covid deaths in the US.

I have been criticised for doubting the numbers, for questioning the need for the lockdown.  I also believe that this virus came from the Wuhan Lab in China.  They were manipulating the Covid virus to make it infect human cells.  Why would they do this?  They claimed it was so they could better handle a pandemic!  

And you know our good government Dr. Fauci?  This work of manipulating Covid to infect human cells was being done in the US.  Fauci was connected to this research.  This work was criticized for being to dangerous but Fauci defended it.  He was finally pushed to end the research so he put together 7 million dollars in grant money and moved the research to the Wuhan Lab in China.  The Doctor that started this catastrophe is now in charge of controlling it.  



Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Only 6% of all the Covid Deaths counted, died ONLY from Covid-19

 Our Government claims Covid 19 has killed over 200.000 people in the US. 

Then we are told that 94% of these people also had other life threatening illnesses. 

And that only 6% of these deaths was from Covid alone.  

That's 20 Thousand Healthy People that died from only Covid-19 !

This is about how many people die from the yearly flu.  

So why are we all under house arrest?  Why has the government crashed the economy and stolen Billions of dollars of value from our savings?   What the FUCK IS GOING ON? 

Covid-19 naturally mutated and started the pandemic,

just blocks away from where it was engineered to infect human cells. 

Covid 19 was manufactured.  It kills primarily old people and 

twice the number of blacks and latinos. 

How convenient as we enter the era of automation, AI, and self driving cars. 

Is Covid first stage mitigation of Global Warming? 

The best way to secure the future of the planet would be to stop all

population growth, or trim the population to a more balanced size. 

Why do you believe the Government? 

Why do you believe the Government News? 

Fox and CNN are not News, They are propaganda.  

Our Government lost all credibility long ago. 

They have allowed lies to be protected speech. 

They have done nothing to regain the trust of the people.

And they no longer care if we trust them. 

We are nearly at the end.

Be prepared for anything.  

Bi-Racial Bullshit (Why all the black / white couples on TV?)

  It's apparent to me that television programing is controlled by some unnamed entity. 

It's obvious that presenting bi-racial couples / partners / friends is mandated.  (Or What?) 

How are these productions controlled and WHY?   What is so important about these relationships. 

Have they helped to foster some kind artificial racial unity?   Doesn't seem to have worked does it. 

It wasn't all that long ago that nearly every show had a black face in a managerial position.  The TOKE

minority to show that minorities can occupy upper management positions.   How sad is this!  Are

 minorities so under represented in real life that this is required?  If I was a minority I would be insulted 

by this attempt at social engineering by the media.   But maybe that is not the reason, perhaps the reason is

 far different. What if the reason is to cause social intolerance?   Divide and Conquer.  

What I see now on television is and endless parade of social intolerance. Story after story to confirm the

 idea that our society is a bottomless pit of racism and sexism. And it's all lies. Look! another black man is

 killed by police, and what is left out is on the same day multiple white men were also killed.  Black Lives

 Matter, (a slogan created to insight devision), is on every channel.  As a white man, I ask myself, could 

we really be the cause of black social failures?  And each time it's asked, it is answered with a resounding

 "NO!"    Like all groups, there is a vocal percentage that wants attention.  I speck to this group, not blacks

 in general.  Where is your self-respect?  Where is your responsibility for your situation?  Did your

 parents support your education?  If not, where is their responsibility?  Did you work hard in school 

because you were bright enough to see that educated people had better lives than those who were

 uneducated?  Or did you bow to your stupid friends that said Fuck Them! and Fuck it!  Where is your 

responsibly to the life you have.  Nobody took that better life away.  You gave it away.  You gave it away

 and you want to blame others for your failing. 

And next we get to talk about the white apologists.  These are the white people that believe that systemic

 racism exists in America. That blacks didn't have everything they needed to succeed.  That some white

 people constructed barriers to keep black faces away.  Do you know why they believe this?  Its because

 THESE are the people, that deep-down truly believe that blacks are inferior,  and they feel such guilt 

over these thoughts, they feel so conflicted over what they are suppose to believe and what they see that

they blame themselves for black societal failure.  It's pretty funny when you think about it.  Those white

 people that hold the strongest beliefs about racism are the most racist.

Why are you here?  British Aristocrats started the importation of slaves onto the mainland to compete with

 plantations in the Caribbean. America has not been formed yet. Colonies here were under British rule. 

One of the first things American did once it had won its independence from the British

 was to make slavery illegal. Then we fought another war against the Plantations in the South to make 

them comply.  The Civil War killed more soldiers than all our other wars combined.  Yet America is

 blamed for slavey.  America should be celebrated for ending slavery!  And the blacks in America today

 live far better lives than they would in Africa. If it is so bad here, if you are so marginalized by systemic 

racism why are you still here?  You can live anywhere in the world you want.  If us white folk are as

 terrible as you say, why don't you find a better,  safer place to raise your kids? 

Why do Asians do so well in America?  Asians were persecuted in America.  Treated like dogs and 

worked to death.  Placed in prison camps during the war.  Now they excel in every field.  When they

 protest its against Affirmative Action that keeps there hard-working children out of college.  Yet they still

 succeed.   Do you think white men accept Asians more readily than blacks?  

Think again, older whites have not forgotten the 2nd World War and the attack on Pearl Harbor.  Some of 

my relatives did not accept my girlfriend because of her slight Indonesian features.  She looked Asian to

 them and Asians where he enemy. 

Blacks don't want more Opportunities, or to see more black faces in Positions of Power.  

What they want is to see it Burn.

Black Lives Matter, Affirmative Action, Preference in Contracts,  Demand for higher numbers of 

minorities in all Positions.  And look where we are?   White America has done what it can to help blacks

 integrate into the system.  To help blacks succeed in the system.  But the vocal blacks don't want 

opportunities, they want something else.  I think the bottom line is they want respect.  But they don't want 

to earn it.  "Give Me Respect!  and,  "Disrespect ME and prepare for my wrath!"   Violence is a given. 

Most white people are non violent, they don't go around with a chip on the shoulder daring anyone to say

something they can twist into disrespect.  Most white people are also afraid of the cops, but if we see 

another white guy wrestle with a cop and get shot we don't throw a childish tantrum.  We don't demand 

what other are doing about this injustice to white people. 

Let's talk about Self Respect.  Something that comes from your actions and the way you are preserved by

 others.  The foundation of Self Respect is respect of others, respecting your parents and your family.  You

 first need to know what respect is before you can apply it to yourself.   Self Respect also goes had in hand

 with self identity.  Who am I?  Who do I come from?  If you don't respect your parents it can be harder to 

respect other adults like teachers.  If your culture is driven by a want to separate themselves from the

 broader social norms then you will have less and less opportunity to respect through your beliefs.  You

 may be able to think you respect a sports star of musician but this is an incomplete assessment.  You

 might like what they can do, but not like who they are, because you don't know them. 


If Blacks want to forever be classified as less intelligent, this is the way to do it.

So who gets reparations in America?  Every person black and part black? 

Even if none of you relatives were slaves in America?

And who should pay these reparations? 

All the newly made American Citizens from all over the world? 

How about only White People? 

Should those families from the North that lost loved ones in the Civil War be exempt? 

Haven't we spent Billions in every kind of effort to give Blacks preference

in hiring, in schools, in contracts?  

African-American?   There is no such thing.  If you want to distance yourself from being American you

 will be distanced by others. If you don't want to speak everyday English you will be distanced and

 thought of as uneducated.  If you want to use un-conventual names for yourself you further this 

distancing.  All of these things do not add up to culture.  They signal anti culture, we reject your culture. 

it's like giving the finger to someone else's culture and then expect / demand respect.  Fat chance. 

Dear Black People,  if you didn't get the message, "You Are Free!"   Just as free as the rest of us.  And just

 as responsible for creating your own life.  You will never have Self Respect as long as you blame others

 for you situation.  Nor will you get real respect from others.  

Today there are 9 million black slaves in Africa. (Do a search of world slavery)  This is black slaves

 owned by blacks.  Surprised?  Did you think the European traders that landed in Africa with trade goods

 went out and beat the brush looking for children?  Slavery had been in Africa a long time before white

 Europeans got involved.  They had things to trade and the Africans had slaves.  So the next time you are

 made to feel guilty about slavery, (and remember, you have never owned a slave).  Just ask yourself, what

 are they complaining about?  They still have millions of slaves in the county they so proudly identify

 with.  African American

Wanting to be called African American

  Disrespects yourself,  particularly if you wish to highlight American History.  Blacks in

 America kill each other 10 times more often than whites killing blacks.  And getting pissed off when

 someone asks you if you live around here is pathetic,  I asked this question once to a young black man

 because I needed directions.  I will not talk to a young black man on the street again if I can help it. 

Yes, so why all the Bi-Racial Couples on TV?  Is it to make us think this is normal, or is it to piss us off?

You decide.  

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Cheerleaders for the Apocalypse

Science can't account for 80% of the matter in the Universe.  This 80% is called Dark Matter or Dark Energy.  Today I asked myself, how much of this Dark Matter am I?  How much of myself can't be seen, can't be reckoned or accounted for? 

Perhaps I need only blame this part of myself for my misgivings and misunderstandings?

I find myself, because of my beliefs, outside of normal human channels. My perception of truth is mostly gray. How can anything be truly understood when we perceive so little. 

I find myself in a time of obsolescence.  Our agreed upon concepts of freedom no longer exist.  We are no longer judged guilty for breaking agreed upon behavior.  Now we find ourselves guilty not for what we've done, but for what we might do.  Because I have a rifle that holds more than 10 rounds of ammunition I'm now a threat. I'm guilty. It does not matter that I have hurt no one, or have any plans too.  I'm guilty, and if convicted, my Right of defence would be taken from me. Ultimately we have all been tried and found guilty of being a possible threat to the prevailing regime. 

The civilized act of talking to one another about behavior has become obsolete. 

The concept of evidence has become obsolete.  Your truth is not my truth!  

The Right to privacy ........

Perhaps this was inevitable?  We live in a new time of mass communication and travel. We did not think to protect these luxuries. Now this communication has been compromised, first for reasons of profit. Now for reasons of control. 

I have no interest in your personal data.  I have no interest in what you say in your home.  No interest in what products you buy and for the most part no interest in what you believe.  Those that do have an interest, now rule the world.  This begin with business advertising.  A science grew from how to manufacture interest.  Which then grew to creating a 'need' for a product or service.  And finally with perfection it grew to manipulate our desire to enhance our perception of self.  Luxury, Envie, Romance, Confidence can be yours! Science was used against us.  Used to make us shallow and self important.  Quick, take a selfie!  Now the message, "The Narrative," is used to Manufacture Consent.  

We were told the Civid 19 virus is 100 times more lethal than the flu, this was not true.

Many believe the steps taken because of Covid were necessary. From the beginning somehow the world agreed that this new novel virus required the most drastic changes.  World leaders have crashed the world's economy, destroyed thousands of business, put millions out of work.  This has caused an increase in violence, social disorder, the regime stands back and lets the statues tumble, lets the churches burn, lets us all believe the new normal is disunity.   

I believe there is a small group of individuals that now control the world.   They are not our 'leaders.'  They are not famous, they do not want to be known to us.  This small group comes from old world family's that for generations have controlled banking and religion. Now banking has become economies and religion has become social networks. 

Who is the enemy?  Where are they?  How do we take back control?   

But the real problem is, the vast majority don't see how they are manipulated.  How they are used. How they are taken advantage of.  They don't see it because the normal channels of information are closed. We depend on a fair and honest media to keep us informed.  The News!  not perfect in the past but far more honest than what we have now.  

My core beliefs, (and why I'm self removed from society.

We, the human race, did not evolve as we have been told.  Our evolution has been enhanced by an outside agency.  Aliens? Alien to us.  We may have had several cycles of advanced evolution on this planet. For what purpose, I don't know.  We may have started as a species on another planet. Mars shows evidence of a great catastrophe, maybe a great war that destroyed much of the planet.  There is overwhelming evidence that humans built amazing civilizations long ago.  That incredible technologies were employed and then were lost.   We may be a slave species used by other more advanced races. 

It is easy for me to imagine that all that is going on today with the orchestrated breakdown in the social order is to keep us disorganized for when the next Mothership arrives to cart off most of us. 

I believe 911 was a false flag attack to manufacture consent for our new totalitarian government.  911 is the excuse that gave the President unparalleled power through Executive Orders. Congress has been bypassed and I have heard nothing from our 'Representatives' about returning law making to the Congress. 

I believe that Covid-19 was manufactured and released on purpose. I don't know who released it but its outcome plays well with a strategy of control and curtailing individual freedom.  

What is the endgame?  I don't know.  I expect it to be very bad.  Perhaps it has been decided that there are too many humans on this planet. That a culling needs to happen before we destroy this beautiful planet. Covid attacks primarily older people. Perhaps it will also cause some amount of sterility?  If a culling has been ordered then what we will be told is that Covid has mutated into a much more deadly virus.  It will happen quickly.  It will be spread to all the major population centers at once and within 30 days billions of people will be infected and most will die.  A precursor to this will be that communications will fail throughout the world at the same time. Perhaps we will be told that terrorists attacked various internet sites and brought down large portions of the net. In reality, the entire communication network will be disabled so news of the number of infected will be hidden.  

Then again, maybe I'm wrong.  

Cheerleaders for the Apocalypse

To my pre19 friends.  Many of you have failed me, and failed yourselves.  Some have become little more than Cheerleaders for the Apocalypse.  "This IS the new normal."  Covid evolved naturally and you're irresponsible for suggesting otherwise.  I don't want to hear your conspiracy bullshit. My information, (from my trusted sites), is absolutely true, so you don't know what you're talking about.   And sadly, if you're not on the bandwagon with me then I want nothing to do with you.  ( Our association is conditional).  OK, so be it!  I know you're afraid, I know you need to believe what you believe, but when you become part of the mob that shouts down all others you are useless to me, you have been compromised, lost.  

That's enough for now.  I'm going to contemplate my Dark Matter. 

See you around. 


October 1st, 2020

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

For the Love of KAMALA

Some People Stand for Nothing. 
Kamala Harris accused Biden of Sexual Misconduct, Racism, and Corruption
Now Shes His Partner
How can we believe anything people like this say.
We Can't


Monday, July 27, 2020

July 27th, 2020 and NO ONE has accurate numbers on the virus. And these numbers have crashed the world.

I have been asking my friends not to believe what the media is selling.  I've asked them to think for themselves and not jump to the conclusions presented by (experts).  But they know better.  They think they have a good handle on what's happening because?  Some tell me that they only believe the information from certain websites because?  Because they have decided to accept the numbers presented.  The truth has always been that there is no consistent manner in which cases are evaluated. In the UK today we find out that if you have ever been tested and found to have the antibodies and now you are dead you are counted as a Covid victim.  So if you tested positive 3 months ago and today they find out you have died then you are counted as a Covid Death.  Wow, let's destroy our economy, force millions from their jobs, stop educating our kids and suspend civil rights on this data.  My friends think this is reasonable,  I don't.  And they believe that my opinion is damaging.  

I grew up during a time when we believed in the absolute need for freedom of speech.  We had a saying, 
"I don't believe in what you're saying but I will fight for your right to say it."   Today this has been forgotten.  People can't have open honest conversations anymore.  No one shares their opinion.  What happens now are two things.  People are free to agree with the government and media social engineering.  Black Lives Matter is acceptable.  All Lives Matter is not.  People are not allowed to voice alternative opinions because they are guilty of being uninformed and or even heretical.  Alterative opinions are to be criticized and those that do not accept today's politically correct dogma are to be punished. Dogma.

It's funny that many of my friends are antireligious. All Priests are child molesters.  And the church is sexist.  ergo it has no value.  What my friends forget is the church is one of the last systems that instill the concept of karma.  My friends attacked the church when Gay Freedom became popular.  My friends have never given any thought to how their encouragement of Gay Freedom led to the deaths of millions of gay men.  They have never asked themselves, "If we had kept them in the closet would they be alive today?"

They can't think in these terms.  They are infected with media Group Think.  Media says 1 + 1 = 3 and they don't question it.  They are not able to stand up to the Group Think because it has been designed to reinforce their bias. For women, men are sexist. They forget they are including their husbands, their fathers, their brothers. They have been taught to be racist, in this case, it's focused on gender.  They don't understand this is racism, this is discrimination. They overlook this because they want to feel powerful, equal, and they want revenge. Sadly, it only makes them less equal. Just as blacks attack all whites as the reason for their circumstance.  They are unable to take responsibility for where they are in their lives.  If a black man is killed by police it does not matter that a white man,  and men of every nationality are also killed.  They want what? justice? equality? why do they believe their violent actions will achieve this?  

But of course my opinion is, "privileged."  So it automatically is discounted.  Its a very convenient way to discount all other opinions, and lazy.  I have found that in general you get what you give.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Note to the White Privileged

Dear White People,

Everyday you are labeled with this pejorative, "Privileged."  Many of you don't really know what it means. Some of you use it when you talk about White People in a self deprecating manner.  As though you "understand" the plight of the less fortunate.  "Privileged," is a derogatory term, an insult.  "Privileged," like "Racist," is one of these terms that means everything and nothing. Its a term with a fluid definition depending on the moment.  Don't like Rap Music? Especially LOUD Rap Music, booming from the car next to you at the red light.  If you're White, You're a Racist.  You speak up against the lyrics in a Rap Song that denigrate women or glamorize violence, you're labeled "Privileged."  And the funny part is, most of us don't take offense because the opinion of the person using this jargon is unimportant to us. But something has changed.  Todays young people, who have been taught to be sensitive to other peoples opinions have no opinions themselves. Big Media Peer Group Pressure has them believing they are Privileged.  Sad.  When someone labels me as a Racist or Privileged I ask them to define their meaning.  Please tell me why you think that?  Then I ask them if they like to be insulted?  Then I tell them, "I'm Insulted."  The use of the term in regards to White people is Racist.
Be like me;



power to the people

Privileged With Attitude

Monday, February 10, 2020

1000's of Crimes are Prevented Everyday by Privately Owned Firearms

What if the News opened its reporting every night with the following Statement. 

1000's of Crimes Were Again Prevented Today by Privately Owned Firearms

1000's of Burglary's, Assaults, Home Invasions, Rapes and Murders
were prevented again today because criminals are afraid of Privately Owned Firearms. 

In EVERY STATE where lawful citizens can Carry Concealed Firearms, there is less crime. 

Why does the California Legislature work so hard to undermine our Constitutional Rights and make us the victims of criminals?  WHY? 

They are controlled by a small faction of the super-rich who are afraid. 
They are afraid that at some point we will stop being distracted by "Game of Thrones"
and see our political system as it really is.

If you were aware of the way your Representatives sell you down the river, how they are completely controlled by legal corruption.  You might want to do something about it.  And when you find your vote means nothing, that protest doesn't work, what are you left with? 

Our last legal means of protest is $$$.  Imagine we all stopped paying our credit cards?
Imagine if even 10% of us were to stop all payments on unsecured loans?
We would so affect cash flow that the system would come to a standstill. 

Then we could demand change in our political system. 

Outlaw Political Parties

Make all political donations anonymous. 

Demand all new legislation pass a Constitutional Rules Committee

Stop Judges from setting legal precedent.
Only Juries will set precedent. 

The 1st Amendment of our Constitution guarantees
 us the Freedom of Speech.  

The 2nd Amendment guarantees us the Right to Own Firearms to protect 
the Constitution from an Illegal Government.

Is our Government Legal?  
Do the government officials that swear to protect and defend the Constitution honor
this oath?  

I say No.

from the Center for Disease Control:

How often are guns used in self defense CDC?
In fact, according to a 2013 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost all national studies of defensive gun uses have found that firearms are used in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times every year in the United States.Jul 10, 2019
Remember, many people will not report the defensive use of a gun to the Police. This study is probably very low in the real world numbers.  

Monday, December 16, 2019

What if Everything You Think is Wrong?

If you found out today:

That we humans have been on this planet for Millions of years. (not the 200,000 years we are told) 

Would that freak you out, would you stop going to work and sit in a corner and never talk?

That today's human civilization is just the latest experiment, that we have risen and failed many times? 

Could you handle that? 

What if you found out that we have been helped (and sometimes used) but other more advanced civilizations? 

Time for nightmares?  Time to be afraid of the world? 

And what if you found out our government has know about this all along, that they have made deals with these "others" to keep the secret from you. 

Would you demand justice? 

I'm beginning to believe these things, believe that incredible technologies are withheld from us.  Believe that we might be able to live much longer lives,  believe that much of what can be imagined can be available to us.

What if there was a cure for Cancer?  A cure that has been kept from us? 

What if there was a way to produce unlimited clean energy?  And it has been kept from us? 

What if there was a way to live many lifetimes in healthy young bodies and this was kept from us?  But made available to those that keep these secrets? 

What are you willing to do to find out these things?
What wouldn't you do?  

I believe this is why these secrets continue.  Because we would burn this system down if we found these things to be true.  And those that keep these secrets know, that their days are numbered.

Women in Combat

War is a male thing.

Invented by men, for men.
Do I believe that women can be effective fighters, of course.
But why? 

Expecting women to fight does not make them equal.
It's a lowering of their biological norm.

There is this concept that if we include women in the Draft, that proves that they are treated as equals.  This is an inaccurate concept.  By drafting 18 year old boys and girls,  (remember, at this age we don't believe they have the maturity to drink alcohol, but some think they can be sent out to kill with full understanding of what they do.   Drafting both boys and girls does not make the draft equal.
If we find ourselves in such a predicament that a draft is necessary then there should be no age restrictions on who is drafted above the age of 21.  No deferment!  No handicaps.  Everyone is included.  Remember, it takes 9 people to support each person in the field.  So everyone can contribute. 

With this system, how often do you think you will see a draft. If the politician's children are at risk. If the politicians themselves are at risk? I doubt you would see this happen over many of the conflicts in the past.

American is a strange place. It's system requires the mental ability to hold 2 or more conflicting ideas at the same time.  Our politicians claim we live in a free country, but ask them to define FREE.  I believe we need a legal definition for freedom.  So far, the only freedom I see is the ability for a few to gather impossible amounts of wealth without paying their fair share of taxes.  I see a system that outlaws drugs, including even antibiotics, so that a few can take outrageous profits. This includes illegal drugs. I've come to the conclusion that there are systems in place that import illegal drugs into this country and the few that you see prosecuted for imports are the systems competition.

$$ is America's GOD.  And lord help you if you get in the way of profit. 
War is one of the biggest profit centers in this country.  We spent 10 times as much on War as the next largest military. This does not make us strong if the people of this country no longer have faith in the leadership.

We are near collapse.
Just as the Soviet Union collapsed, The United States is no longer very united.

Even though I joined the military when I was young,  today I would not fight for today's country.

Young people, you are taught propaganda in school, at the movies, on television.  This is a corrupt society.  You have already been sold out by corporate interests. You will be used for your vitality and then thrown away. 


We could easily afford Universal Healthcare for everyone in the country with half of what we spend on the military. We could end homelessness.  We could start to heal our planet. 

Yes, girls in combat, sure, that makes them equal. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Boycott Dick's Sporting Goods

The CEO of Dick's Sporting Goods has worked to undermine our 2nd Amendment.  He believes that taking a stand against a certain type of legal firearm will ensure more profit for his company.  He is willing to trade our Constitutional Rights for short term political correctness and added profit. 

Lets not do business with Dick's.  Cause the guy is a Dick.  

What did all these brave men and women die for?  


An Oath Taken, an Oath Broken / Why Many in Public Office have lost their Authority

Daily I read about some Judge, Law Enforcement Officer, Politician demanding restrictions on Constitutional Rights.   Demanding more restrictions, demanding more authority to search, demanding a 1000 things that our Constitution prohibits.

Our Justice System now wants to convict people for manslaughter for what they have text messaged!
This is absolutely counter to our 1st Amendment. Freedom of Speech

These same people took an Oath of Office. They swore to uphold and defend our Constitution.  We require them to pledge themselves to honor these principles.  And they SWEAR to honor them.  Next, they are doing all they can to tear them down.

Are those, that have sworn to uphold these Rights, still legitimate in their authority?  I don't think so.  The moment that they turn against us and our hard fought Rights, they have lied to their Oath, and to us.

You may ask, just because they have disregarded their Oaths, they still have their positions, they still hold their office.  Yes unfortunately,  but the question is of their Authority.  Do they maintain their Authority.  I SAY NO!  What they now wield is not Authority,  it's Force.  Authority is enabled when we, as a group, agree to a overbidding principle.  These office holders no longer agree to these principles.  They no longer wish to be constrained by the rules that they agreed to uphold.  They are outliers that have broken from the group.  They have abdicated their Authority.  What they have instead, is Force.  Like the Force used to Rob at Gunpoint.  A man holding a gun to your head does not have Authority.

The First Two Laws of Authority are:

1.  Authority always demands more Authority.

2.  Authority always demands less Accountability.

We can no longer accept this mistreatment.  Walk through any of the 1000's of Veterans Cemeteries in the US and Europe.  These men and women died to protect freedom, the freedom that comes from our Constitution and Bill of Rights.   Those that break their Oaths of Office desecrate their sacrifice.

When confronted with Force, don't see it as you against the system.  The person standing in front of you that has broken their Oath is the problem.  It's you against this individual that is attempting to undermine your Rights.  It's you against them.  Take it personally.  Say NO!  Surround yourself with your supporters.   Resist.  Patriotism isn't allowing yourself to be intimidated.

Patriotism is Standing Up for what you know is Right. 

Thursday, May 30, 2019


SALESFORCE is attempting undermine our Constitution.  They are demanding companies that use their software to stop selling rifles. If they don't, they will stop these companies from using their software.  SALESFORCE, we live in a FREE COUNTRY.  Our country is based on the Individuals Freedom.  NOT CORPORATE POLICY.  I will do all I can to undermine SALESFORCE.  A Company that turns people into a commodity.  You are the antithesis of what's wrong with Corporate America.  And now you attack our Constitution!!

Please read this and understand that most people have been inundated with anti 2nd Amendment propaganda.
In Defence of our 2nd Amendment. 


Everyday, 1000s of Robberies, Burglaries, Rapes, Assaults, even Murders are Stopped before they happen because Citizens can defend themselves.  You don't hear this on the News. You don't read this in the Newspapers.  You don't see this on your TV Shows.  What you see is the horrible aftermath of what a very few, TOTALLY CRAZY,  people do.  Every 6 months you read that dozens of people are killed and injured by some completely damaged person and yes, these are terrible events. But you forget the 1000's of crimes that didn't happen everyday. 

In places that have total gun control the crazy people use cars and trucks to kill people on the street.  I won't list them here, but there are many better ways to kill large numbers of people than a gun.  Next think of all the laws that the Anti Gun Groups demand to stop this violence from happening again. Gun Registration, Background Checks, Assault Weapons Ban, on and on. None of these Laws have stopped the violence. You can't stop crazy people with laws!  AND These laws are not meant to stop the violence. These laws are the step by step agenda to confiscate our 2nd Amendment.

The 2nd Amendment was added to the Constitution to Protect its Citizens from an out of control Government.  And truly, look at our Government today.  Do you feel like your Representatives speak with your voice?  In California, the majority of voters have not voted since 1966.  People no longer believe their vote has any power.  I believe that every vote not cast is a vote against the present system.  The major Parties have passed laws to undermine every third party candidate.  Winner takes all rules that have been approved by politically appointed Judges killed off any Third Party Hope. 
And the choice between the two parties candidates is usually no choice at all.

Now we have Corporations demanding their customers give up their Constitutional Rights.  Where are the Judges, that are suppose to protect our Constitution?  Where are the Politician, that took oaths to protect our Rights?  The Politicians have their hands out for the cash from the Corporations.  Legal Payoffs.  And our Supreme Court has ruled that Money = Free Speech.  This is the blow we may never recover from.  And ultimately, it's the Judges that have destroyed our protections. 

A Judge ruled that a 14 year old boy, killed by the Police, because he carried a toy rifle to his friends house, ruled that his Civil Rights had not been violated!   If this is the case, then we have no rights. If you can be killed by mistake, by those we pay to protect us, then what rights do we have?  This cop was the Cities Training Officer.  Not some new recruit that made a terrible blunder,  but the cop that trains the new recruits. To add even more insult he was promoted.  Its this System that wants to disarm us of Legally Purchased Firearms to stop gun violence! 

Boycott SALESFORCE and educate yourselves about our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  It's these two Documents that makes this country great.  Soon they may be only sad facts in our History.