Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Offensive Spending

Propaganda is a lie presented as a fact.  Or a phrase to make you think in a certain way.  In 2013 it became legal for our government to manufacture and disseminate propaganda to us, the American people. The government has been doing this all along but Congress made it legal in 2013*. And the main source is The State Department.  This includes Motion Pictures and all types of communications.  Some experts believe that many of the talking heads you see employed by the giant Media Companies are paid government contractors working to disseminate government approved propaganda.  So when you hear a NEWS story, and think something must have been left out or it does not pass the smell test it's probably because it's not true.

And the world is filled with everyday terms and phrases that are propaganda. .  Take the term "Defense Spending," or the "Defense Budget."  Most of our money gets spent on ongoing conflicts like the mess in the Middle East.  This is OFFENSE SPENDING, this is the OFFENSE BUDGET. We are constantly told the Military needs more of our money to protect us. But in truth, they want more money to kill others that have no interest in harming the United States. And when we are harmed, it's because we have been killing them for years. Also consider that my term is exactly what it is. OFFENSIVE SPENDING.

Something else to consider when you look at all the money spent.

WHY DO OUR TROOPS GET PAID SO LITTLE?  Let me give you a hint. (Because like Illegal Aliens, they are a needed underclass.) They are expendable.  They are a way of getting rid of undesirable people.  Many of the boys I met in the Military were there because they were given a choice of jail or military service.  Think about that for a minute. Your 18, you steal a car and the judge exaggerates your penalty to get you to volunteer for something that may cripple or kill you.

5 years in Jail or join the Army!  (Seems like half of the Blacks I met had a similar story.)

You may not know this, but when you're in the Military you have very few Rights. You are fighting to supposedly protect the Constitution but you're not good enough to be protected by it.  Did you know many Militaries around the world are Unionized?

A CHP Officer can make $100,000 a year. And the excuse is they have a dangerous job.  Look up death by occupation on the CDC's website.  They have less chance of being killed by a gun or knife or blunt force trauma that you and me.  Most deaths are caused by how they drive!  If you want a really dangerous job, be a Postman. It's 10 times more dangerous that a cop.

Maybe you think it would be unpatriotic for a Soldier to want more money??  Maybe you think they owe the country this commitment and I'm crazy to think otherwise.  Then why does this thinking not carry over to Military Contractors that make fortunes from Military Sales. Why should they get paid so much and those that risk their lives get so little?  Hint?  because this country is a capitalist country. Our God is $$$, not people. That's why Trillions get spent to kill people a Thousands get spent to save our own people. We have people starving in the US and our government allows our companies to move jobs overseas with little consequence.

So the next time you see a Support Our Troops! ribbon or banner.  Understand the propaganda behind it. I guess they want us to Support them because the government doesn't want too.

* (From Wikipedia and other sources) The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (section 1078 (a)) amended the US Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (popularly referred to as the Smith-Mundt Act) and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987, allowing for materials produced by the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to be released within U.S. borders for the Archivist of the United States. The Smith-Mundt Act, as amended, provided that “the Secretary and the Broadcasting Board of Governors shall make available to the Archivist of the United States, for domestic distribution, motion pictures, films, videotapes, and other material 12 years after the initial dissemination of the material abroad (...) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the Department of State or the Broadcasting Board of Governors from engaging in any medium or form of communication, either directly or indirectly, because a United States domestic audience is or may be thereby exposed to program material, or based on a presumption of such exposure.” Public concerns were raised upon passage due to the relaxation of prohibitions of domestic propaganda in the United States.[27]

Saturday, May 6, 2017

1000's of Americans will die with the end of The Affordable Care Act

1000's of Americans will die when Trump, and parts of Congress end the Affordable Care Act. How many Thousands? I don't know. But I do know that many more Americans will die because of our HealthCare System than might be killed by "Terrorists." Our Government claims we are in danger from a small group of people on the other side of the planet. Our lives are in danger and we must spend Trillions of Dollars to stop it. Has all this money made the situation better. Are we more safe now that 10 years ago? Are there less "Terrorists" now that there were a decade ago? No,no and no. The truth is, our lives are in danger from a small group of people in Washington. They push this idea of "Terrorism." The New's loves the word, they invented it. I've always fought against the term, it's Propaganda. It's meant to incite a response. But I've come to believe that Terrorists do exist, and they don't live in the Middle East. They live in Board Rooms and Court Rooms right here in America. They want to control you through fear, but truly, they are the ones we need to fight. And maybe some of you will, if you remember any of this after watching, Dancing With The Stars.