Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Only 6% of all the Covid Deaths counted, died ONLY from Covid-19

 Our Government claims Covid 19 has killed over 200.000 people in the US. 

Then we are told that 94% of these people also had other life threatening illnesses. 

And that only 6% of these deaths was from Covid alone.  

That's 20 Thousand Healthy People that died from only Covid-19 !

This is about how many people die from the yearly flu.  

So why are we all under house arrest?  Why has the government crashed the economy and stolen Billions of dollars of value from our savings?   What the FUCK IS GOING ON? 

Covid-19 naturally mutated and started the pandemic,

just blocks away from where it was engineered to infect human cells. 

Covid 19 was manufactured.  It kills primarily old people and 

twice the number of blacks and latinos. 

How convenient as we enter the era of automation, AI, and self driving cars. 

Is Covid first stage mitigation of Global Warming? 

The best way to secure the future of the planet would be to stop all

population growth, or trim the population to a more balanced size. 

Why do you believe the Government? 

Why do you believe the Government News? 

Fox and CNN are not News, They are propaganda.  

Our Government lost all credibility long ago. 

They have allowed lies to be protected speech. 

They have done nothing to regain the trust of the people.

And they no longer care if we trust them. 

We are nearly at the end.

Be prepared for anything.  

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