Saturday, February 18, 2017

The Next Big Loss of Freedom (The Freedom to Learn)

 I saw this as clearly as a Prophet of God.  It's so obvious that you'll wonder why it never occurred to you. One of our biggest freedoms these days is our ability to Research, to Fact Check, to Study. A big part of this freedom comes from our anonymous ability to surf the net for whatever intrigues us at the moment.  Yes you can be tracked by advertisers and maybe the government searches for keywords or watches certain websites that most of us are not interested in. But I think this is going to change very soon.

I Predict In The Near Future, the US will Suffer a Major Cyber Warfare Attack.

It will devastate our Internet Resources and may also cost some people their lives. And our Government will demand more Patriot Act type Legislation that will devastate our privacy online. You will be issued an Online Identification and everything you look at will be logged and quantified. You are now a suspect in everything you wish to Study. Your "Freedom to Learn" has been diminished. And now the Government can finally start to control Online Gambling and Porn and the Dark Web.

Perhaps We'll Receive a "Patriot Score" based on our Browsing History.

The Scores real purpose is to rank you as a potential threat. Maybe these scores will be used in hiring Government and Corporate Employees.  I would have never believed that Drug Testing could be demanded by employers. It can't possibly be Constitutional!  But the weak minded will trade everything for Safety. And like I've said before, no matter how much you trade, you will never feel safe. Because the ones asking you to trade are the ones that make sure you are always afraid. 

The Big Question will be, "Was This a False Flag Event?"

A False Flag Event is when a Government claims "falsely" that it was attacked. This is done to give an excuse for what the Government has been planning on doing. They want you to accept that they had no choice but to remove more of your freedoms so they can protect you. OK, so now maybe you're thinking that our Great United States Government would never do this!  Well, it already has.

General McNamara and the Joint Chiefs of Staff lies to Congress to get us involved in the Vietnam War.

This is a classic "False Flag Event." The General and the Joint Chiefs lied to Congress about an attack on the Destroyer USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin. This gave President Johnson the authority to invade Vietnam. I'm not making this shit up! Use your Freedom to Learn while you still can. Many people believe that parts of our government knew about a possible attack on the World Trade Center and let it happen so they could invade Afghanistan and get all these new laws passed so they can bypass our Constitution. (Let me be clear, I don't know what to believe!) And that is a big problem for the US Government. THEY ARE NOT CREDIBLE. Now, our Government hides so much behind what they claim to be NATIONAL SECURITY that few people know what is really going on. AND HOW CAN A DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE KNOW HOW TO VOTE, IF ALL THEY ARE TOLD IS HALF TRUTHS AND LIES?

So Get Ready for the next big Adjustment to our Constitution.

Perhaps nows the time to start thinking about ways to communicate in an ad hoc fashion.  That means small intranets not connected to web.


I have noticed a major change in how the major search engines are delivering results.  These results have little to do with the search requested.  They are nearly all aimed at official explanation or for-profit web sites. Even advanced search, when verbatim is specified, bypasses sites that adhere to the requested parameters.  Information is being denied via specific algorithms.  Perhaps this strategy will be enough to manipulate research counter to the accepted official doctrine.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

California's Everyday Death Penalty

You have given much away to be safe. And, while you were giving up "your," Rights under our Constitution, you were giving away mine.  For my whole adult life I've been a fierce proponent of the Bill of Rights.  I sometimes wonder if it its still taught in School? My focus has not been personal safety, but of keeping our Rights Safe. They are what gives us safety.

With all you have given up for Safety, Do you feel Safe?

In my lifetime, how many laws have been passed to insure safety? Thousands? Millions? Law that restrict what we can do. Laws that change the very nature of our lives. So I ask again, do you feel safe?  If not, it's because you have been told over and over again that the world is filled with evil, and that this evil can only be diminished if you are willing to become a slave. 

Do what we say, don't question Authority! Be safe. 

Let's look at Authority. Do you want it? Is it something you crave. What kind of person wants Authority? The simple answer is: People who are Scared. People who lack control or influence. 
These are the kinds of people that work their way into Positions of Authority. I'm sure there are other types as well but look closely at the people you know that have worked their way into Authority. What kind of person do you see?   And is it any wonder that these people find themselves isolated?
They are not like most people. Most people don't want Authority. Because most people understand that the cost of honest Authority is Responsibility. And truthfully, most people don't want that level of Responsibility.  But the person who craves Authority does not care about responsibility. They want power, they want respect, to be listened too. They are selfish. So the responsibility what they should embrace is just an annoyance.  

I don't have to follow the rules! I make the rules!

When is the last time you saw our Representatives pass a law that enhanced our freedom? They can't even agree that email should be treated like regular mail!  I believe the reason for all the draconian rules that get passed is that these selfish people are afraid. Authority did not make them brave. In the end, all it did was make their cries of fear louder. Loud enough that you hear them, and you have decided that you too should be afraid. If Authority is afraid then we are not safe.  

Look closely at your life and your surroundings.  YOU ARE SAFE, but you are not free. 

In California people think we have outlawed the Death Penalty. You will be told that no one has been put to death in California since 2006. But that's not true. You need to look at this more deeply. A Death Penalty case takes years of hard work with automatic appeals. Everything that can be done to get it right is thrown at the case before a person is executed.  And even then, the State can get it wrong. 

No Death Penalty in California? Wrong!!  
1,130 people have been killed in California in the last 10 years. 

One Thousand, One Hundred and Thirty people were shot and killed by the Police in California in the last 10 years. Were they all Justified? NO!  One example was a 13 year old boy with a BB Gun.  A Santa Rosa TRAINING Officer (Erick Gelhaus) fired 8 times and killed this boy. When the boy turned to hear what was being yelled at him, the cop opened fire. The boy was Andy Lopez.  Andy was doing nothing wrong. The toy he was holding was legal and could not harm anyone. The shooting was investigated by those in Authority and found that Gelhaus had acted in a reasonable manner!  It is reasonable for the police to shoot and kill even children if they can say that the child was holding anything that might be a weapon! I want you to think long and hard on this. If I were King, the Police would no longer be given the license of lethal force.

Any Child, Holding a Toy Gun, can be killed by the Police because it's Reasonable.


I have to ask, WHAT KIND OF SICK FUCK COULD FIND THIS REASONABLE!  Only someone who is very afraid, someone psychologically broken. Our Courts found that Officer Gelhaus did not violate the boy's Civil Rights. If this is true, then we have no Civil Rights. So do you still believe that there is no Death Penalty in California?  What has happened is, California no longer has to be so careful when killing someone. Do you ever wonder why the Police shoot the person so many times. So many times as to make sure they die from the wounds and can't recover?  I think it's because they never want to be sitting in a Court Room across from a living victim that can testify against them. I think they walk around with a hair trigger because they have been told over and over again that they are at war, that they are a target every moment they walk around in uniform. They have been infused with the fear of Authority and they believe it because they are the type that want Authority, but they don't want the Responsibility.

The Truth is; We need Protection from our Protectors.

The Police have come to believe that they are more important than those they are hired to protect.

Check out the CDC's Statistics on Police Killed in the line of Duty.  They are less likely to be killed by a gun or a knife or from blunt force trauma that the average Citizen.  There job ranks right up there with Hairdressers. What kills most Police is them driving into a tree. And that's on them. There is also a very high rate of suicide. Why do you think that is?

Judges have destroyed our rights and given the Police permission to kill us. Judges need to be publicly outed and held accountable for their decisions.

It may be too late to ever get our full protections back from the Bill of Rights, but please think long and hard on what we have already given for safety and on why you still don't feel safe. I think all the laws are to help Authority feel safe, not us. 

Friday, February 10, 2017

Symbols and Propaganda

I was taught that this was bad, the symbol of my enemy. I'm just a little kid and I'm taught that I have a powerful enemy that wishes me harm. This is the very root of propaganda. Proclaim something fearful and demand an anticipated response.  The Patriot Act. It's very name is propaganda.  So I bet you never asked yourself this question?

Who is in charge of American Propaganda?  

Maybe you don't believe our government uses this tactic against us?  Well they do. In 2013 it became a legal, sanctioned part of our government.  Check out the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948. It made Propaganda against American Citizens illegal. This changed in 2013 after our hero, Edward Snowden, proved so many things about our law abiding government.

You can point your finger directly at the State Department for domestic propaganda. 

I'll add more to this post as I think about it. But two things I think are important to consider when it comes to American Propaganda. 

Terrorism: There is no such thing as terrorism.  It's a term invented by a journalist to sell newspapers.  A more accurate definition is Rebel. Those that rebel against the prevailing system. Our government has you believing that Terrorists are only interested in spreading terror.   This belief undermines their goals and the best part is, you believe that not negotiating with terrorists is a perfectly fine policy. 

Support our Troops: This is my favorite bit of propaganda. This distances them from what they do. They are our boys and girls and we must support them no matter what!  Wonder not at the policy or the casualties.  Don't consider the cost or the repercussions.  Support our Troops! like it's a team sport and they are our hometown heros.  By the demand of Support our Troops you automatically also support the policy.  

And back to the Communist Symbol above. It's a Hammer and Sickle, the tools used by the working people. It means Build (Hammer) and Grow (Sickle).  And this has been turned into a ugly immoral Stop Sign. Think no more here, this is bad and that's all you need to know. 

Friday, February 3, 2017

What is Freedom?

   Walk through one of the hundreds of Veteran's Cemeteries. The crosses go on for miles.  We humans will fight for many reasons but what the prevailing war chant is, "You Fight For Freedom."

So What is Freedom?

It's important that we have a clear idea of what Freedom is. Because otherwise it becomes an empty nebulous phrase.  And for most people now, that is all it is.

What did all these people die for?

When New York City started it's Stop and Frisk Policy I couldn't believe it. This goes directly against our Fourth Amendment Right of No Search and Seizure.  People walking down the street were ordered to lay on the ground and be searched without probable cause.

I want you to imagine, you and a friend are walking to the movies when you're confronted by a gang of Police. Without explanation you are ordered to lay on the ground. If you do not comply immediately they draw their weapons and aim them at you as they yell at you to get "Get Down!"  They run their hands over your body and remove whatever you have in your pockets. They find your identification and radio in to dispatch to see if there are any warrants on you.  You ask what this is about and they tell you to shut up. People are walking by, maybe some that know you, maybe people you work with.  If you have any pills or medication with you, without the actual proscription, you'll be arrested until they get proof that you have these legally. If you have an outstanding parking ticket you can be arrested and taken to jail. I'll bet there are many things you have never thought of that can get you taken to jail.  There was no probable cause for you to be stopped. There was no cause in any case for you to be treated like this. Some Black people would have this happen more than once in the same night!

Very few people complained about this Policy?

This went on for years until a judge finally said it's Unconstitutional. As far as I know, no one lost their job or was sued or went to jail for this. I may be wrong but the point is: the Freedom, that so many gave their lives for may be a myth.

So Please, Ask the Question,  and give it your own personal definition. Then look around and see if it exists.

I will give you my Ultimate Test for Living Free.  This is an absolute ideal and not what I propose. It's a philosophical test, a starting point, of the foundation of freedom.

I will move away from others who think differently. I will find shelter and sustenance. I will follow where my personal gods lead.  I will not be bound in my loyalties. I will not be bound in my obligations. I am free to choose who is my friend and who I ignore. I owe no one, and no one owes me. I claim a natural right to exist as I choose, like the deer or a mouse or a lion. I, like all creatures, am natural and claim my space in the world as they do.

This is my starting point of Freedom.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

And Liberty and Justice For....?

I've come to believe that the Police and Justice System are to keep you and me humming along, being productive, so Corporate America can continue taking the lion share of our labor. Another example of this was in the news yesterday. Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, who in my opinion is a weazel and small stinking turd, was found to be complicit in the THEFT of proprietary information. Facebook bought a Virtual Reality Company called Oculus Rift. Oculus, founded by Palmer Luckey, has been found guilty in a CIVIL SUIT of STEALING proprietary secrets from another company called ZuniMax. Zuckerberg and Luckey have been told to pay ZuniMax, Half a Billion Dollars!

  Zuckerberg and Luckey have been found guilty of THEFT

They have been ordered to pay $500,000,000.00

My Point?

Why no Criminal Charges? 

Can some wise person out there please explain to me the error in my thinking? Please.