Monday, December 16, 2019

What if Everything You Think is Wrong?

If you found out today:

That we humans have been on this planet for Millions of years. (not the 200,000 years we are told) 

Would that freak you out, would you stop going to work and sit in a corner and never talk?

That today's human civilization is just the latest experiment, that we have risen and failed many times? 

Could you handle that? 

What if you found out that we have been helped (and sometimes used) but other more advanced civilizations? 

Time for nightmares?  Time to be afraid of the world? 

And what if you found out our government has know about this all along, that they have made deals with these "others" to keep the secret from you. 

Would you demand justice? 

I'm beginning to believe these things, believe that incredible technologies are withheld from us.  Believe that we might be able to live much longer lives,  believe that much of what can be imagined can be available to us.

What if there was a cure for Cancer?  A cure that has been kept from us? 

What if there was a way to produce unlimited clean energy?  And it has been kept from us? 

What if there was a way to live many lifetimes in healthy young bodies and this was kept from us?  But made available to those that keep these secrets? 

What are you willing to do to find out these things?
What wouldn't you do?  

I believe this is why these secrets continue.  Because we would burn this system down if we found these things to be true.  And those that keep these secrets know, that their days are numbered.

Women in Combat

War is a male thing.

Invented by men, for men.
Do I believe that women can be effective fighters, of course.
But why? 

Expecting women to fight does not make them equal.
It's a lowering of their biological norm.

There is this concept that if we include women in the Draft, that proves that they are treated as equals.  This is an inaccurate concept.  By drafting 18 year old boys and girls,  (remember, at this age we don't believe they have the maturity to drink alcohol, but some think they can be sent out to kill with full understanding of what they do.   Drafting both boys and girls does not make the draft equal.
If we find ourselves in such a predicament that a draft is necessary then there should be no age restrictions on who is drafted above the age of 21.  No deferment!  No handicaps.  Everyone is included.  Remember, it takes 9 people to support each person in the field.  So everyone can contribute. 

With this system, how often do you think you will see a draft. If the politician's children are at risk. If the politicians themselves are at risk? I doubt you would see this happen over many of the conflicts in the past.

American is a strange place. It's system requires the mental ability to hold 2 or more conflicting ideas at the same time.  Our politicians claim we live in a free country, but ask them to define FREE.  I believe we need a legal definition for freedom.  So far, the only freedom I see is the ability for a few to gather impossible amounts of wealth without paying their fair share of taxes.  I see a system that outlaws drugs, including even antibiotics, so that a few can take outrageous profits. This includes illegal drugs. I've come to the conclusion that there are systems in place that import illegal drugs into this country and the few that you see prosecuted for imports are the systems competition.

$$ is America's GOD.  And lord help you if you get in the way of profit. 
War is one of the biggest profit centers in this country.  We spent 10 times as much on War as the next largest military. This does not make us strong if the people of this country no longer have faith in the leadership.

We are near collapse.
Just as the Soviet Union collapsed, The United States is no longer very united.

Even though I joined the military when I was young,  today I would not fight for today's country.

Young people, you are taught propaganda in school, at the movies, on television.  This is a corrupt society.  You have already been sold out by corporate interests. You will be used for your vitality and then thrown away. 


We could easily afford Universal Healthcare for everyone in the country with half of what we spend on the military. We could end homelessness.  We could start to heal our planet. 

Yes, girls in combat, sure, that makes them equal.