Friday, November 23, 2018

A Thanksgiving Beat Down

Last night I sat in a room filled with family.
They were from near and far.
After dinner and desert we sat in groups talking and listening.
I do more listening these days as my views are different from most.
I consider my views "more thoughtful."
It's because the first question I ask myself when judging my own opinions is, "Where did this come from? and "Why do you believe this? 
I believe most people are programmed, first by the media and then by their peers, (who also get their thinking from the media giants.
Let's face it, Corporations wouldn't spend Trillions of dollars on advertising if it didn't work.

The Reason for this post;

On the television is a "news" story. No one is listening but the video is of 3 cops beating a man on the ground. One cop doing the beating and two others standing over the activity. My nephew, who is in the California Highway Patrol is explaining that the man is being beaten because he will not surrender to the police officers his hands.  He will comply or they will beat him into unconsciousness or worse. And their reasoning is; that they are not safe until this happens. Three men with clubs and guns and a government that will stand behind their actions, and their excuse for this is that they are not safe. This is what they have been taught. That the citizens that pay their exorbitant salaries are all the enemy. That "Their" safety should be their primary concern.  That demanding someone who has committed no crime, surrender their dignity, their freedom, to a group of individuals acting more like thugs than professionals. No one likes a bully and I am constantly amazed that the police are surprised by those that resist this treatment. 

Remember these two things about the police and the dangers they face.

1. They volunteered for the job. They weren't drafted. They volunteered to Protect and Serve. I don't accept any excuse for their actions because they claim their jobs are dangerous.

2. And just how dangerous is it to be a cop. Go to the CDC's website. They compile data on deaths by occupation. Cops are less likely to be shot, stabbed or bludgeoned than a normal citizen. The only case of a higher death rate is from how they drive. They are more likely than you and I of dying in a car accident. And that's on them. 

I've always believed that those people who want to be cops are the last people that should be given a badge. They want respect, but don't give it. They also don't understand that the respect their given is not real. Not earned. It's artificial.

My nephew commented that once the police got their "suspect" into handcuffs that he didn't look so bad.  "I don't see any blood," he says. 

I've always thought of my nephew as smart, and a bit of a know it all. One thing he lacks is wisdom. And it may be that the only way he'll learn it is the hard way.

Below is an example of how I think, and it illustrates how you don't think.

A CHP Officer can make $100,000 a year.  What is their primary duty?  To patrol the roads and issue traffic citations to unarmed drivers. And he or she is paid this because their job is thought to be dangerous.

How much money does a Private in the Army make?  As they patrol the roads of some shit hole country far from home.   Less than minimum wage.   Who has the more dangerous job? 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Trump, Not just a White Man Thing

I'm White, proud to be white and I hate Trump. I miss Obama. At one time I called myself a Republican. Then I got smart and called myself a Democrat, then I got Wisdom. Now I hate them both. Political Parties are corrupt. They should be abolished.  But back to White Men and Trump.
Trump did receive more votes from men of all races.  But Trump also received more votes from white women than did Hillary.  I've never heard anyone calling out white women for voting for Trump. Have you?

Turn Off the Holy Noise (Hey Mosques, Turn that shit off!

On a trip to Indonesia I was constantly bombarded by the local Mosques loudspeakers. Seven or more times a day starting a 4 am I hear this awful caterwauling. It wakes me up. And don't ever come here in August. They have a holiday where this goes on all night. Really!  God is Great repeated over and over and over and over. It's like being in Hell. On a normal day, their Call to Prayer, is not a soft chime or a reverberating bell. It's 15 or 20 minutes or loud, unharmonious chanting. Hey, I'm all about doing your own religious thing, but don't make me listen to it. If a Christian tried to do the same shit here they would be attacked. Remember this before you spend your money to come to a Muslim? Country.  To me it's just a giant FUCK YOU if your not a Muslim or even a small m Muslim. It's time to turn this shit off.

OK, now I'll say something nice, seems Mohamed liked cats. Cool! That I like.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Authority vs Force


The 1st rule of Authority:

Authority will always demand more Authority.

They will say, "If we had more, we could get so much more done."

The 2nd rule is:

Authority will always demand less Accountability.  

They will say, "We can't be blamed for what we do."

In the end, uncontrolled Authority fails because of arrogance. 

Then Authority drops the pretence of legitimacy and moves to Force.

Our Government no longer represents the people. 
That makes it Illegitimate. 
Authority is when people and government agree. 
Force is when government ignores agreement. 

America's BLACK BUDGET would fund Free Heath Care for all Americans

Health Insurance is the biggest scam in American History.

Don't equate Health Insurance with Health Care. They are two completely different things. You have two gigantic entities paying off our elected representatives to maximize their profit. Your pain and suffering is their Golden Goose.  And unlike every other 1st World Country, our taxes do no cover Health Care.

The 2017 Black Budget of the US
would pay for Free Heath Care for every person in America. 

So don't tell me there is no money for this. And in a Democracy don't the People Rule? Our vote means nothing. Once again, in the last Presidential election the loser got 3 million more votes than the winner! We don't have a Democracy. I'm not sure what to call it. And I certainly wouldn't send our children to die in war to defend it.

Who's in charge?

Do we have to PAY our elected representatives to represent US? Do we have to pay them more than the Corporations and Wealthy Elite to do what they were elected to do?

This Experiment has Failed

What can you do? Grass roots movement?  Get politicly involved? No. Those avenues of change are gone. All we are left with is revolution. And I vote for one without violence but:  All Countries start out like the birth of a baby, with blood and screams of agony. And they all end the same way. Greed killed America, Paid off political parties killed America. And worst of all, Corrupt Judges killed our civil rights and bestowed the crown of authority to Wealthy Corporations. There is no taking it back. 
All we can do is ride it out or leave. And trust me, those boarder fences some demanded will also be keeping us in.  

Ways to survive: 

Don't keep all your assets in paper money.
And don't keep all your assets in the US. 
At the first sign of trouble your representatives will close the banks and keep you from what is yours.
This is what they did 100 years ago during the great financial collapse. Then they will close the boarders to keep anything else you have from leaving.  Why is it, even now, you can't leave the country with more than $10,000?  It's not their money, or is it. You have been brain washed into thinking you live in a FREE Country. You Don't. Here the only freedom is, the freedom to accumulate obscene amounts of wealth. And those that do this don't keep their wealth here.  The biggest story than never got reported was the Panama Papers. Proof of how all the biggest Corporations in the US hide their wealth and don't pay taxes on it. Do a little research, look up the Panama Papers and save the article.  Print it and file it before it's removed from the internet or completely obscured by thousands of false stories. As look up Sock Puppets, the governments propaganda machine of 100's of thousands of fake people online. They do this to undermine your opinions.  And last but not least, look up Propaganda in America. It was made legal in 2013. Every Newspaper, Novel, TV Show and Movie is affected. 

here is a link to the Panama Papers:

Monday, June 25, 2018

911 and Manufactured Fear

I will always wonder why I turned on the Television that morning.  Before work I never turn it on.  But that morning something pulled me to it and I turned it on, and without changing the channel sat watched the first Tower burn.  Then, as it happened, watched the second plane hit the second tower.

 "Biblical" is what I thought.

And I, like many, believed the narrative.

Until someone showed me a video of Building 7 collapse.
Building 7 was a 47 story building two blocks from the the Twin Towers.
It collapsed perfectly on it's own footprint, Completely, Evenly, Perfectly.
Arial photos of the area show the buildings between the Towers and Building 7.
Building 7 was two blocks away. These buildings between were damaged,
BUT STANDING. How is that possible?  Then I saw something else.
YouTube has many videos of Building 7.  They showed the building on fire, smoke
coming out of the windows,  and the Experts claim it fell because it was on fire.
But the first video I watched had no fire, no smoke. Had the fire been added.

Then I ran a search.
How many building have collapsed from fire?


Thousands of building have caught fire in the past and none have collapsed like the Building 7 and the Twin Towers.

And I learned a new term;

Cognitive Dissonance

This is why people will deny what they see, or what they are told, that conflicts with their personal belief system.  It's a way to protect themselves.  We are a Country firmly convinced that what we are seeing isn't real.

It's real, I'm sorry but it is.

The video I linked to is gone. Like many of the videos from 911, they are disappearing from the internet.  YouTube, that is now owned by Google is censoring content that they do not agree with. WTF?  Remember Freedom of Speech?  Soon it will be nothing but a memory. 

The video below was of Building 7. It was two street over from the Twin Towers. This 47 story building collapse at freefall speed into its own footprint.  This building was not hit by any plane.
It remains as one of only three building to collapse due to fire.  In the history of construction, a steel constructed building has never collapsed due to fire, not until 911.  And no steal constructed building has collapsed in the 18 years since 911. 

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Again: What is Freedom?

It's funny that most people have no definition for freedom. It's simply an ideal that they believe is important, but ultimately undefinable.  There is a reason for this.  It's left undefined so you have no way to judge if it exists. 

From Black's Law Dictionary;

The state of being free; liberty; self-determination; absence of restraint; the opposite of slavery.  The power of acting, in the character of a moral personality, according to the dictates of the will, without other check, hindrance, or prohibition than such as may be imposed by just and necessary laws and the duties of social life.  The prevalence, in the government and constitution of a country, of such a system of laws and institutions as secure civil liberty to the individual citizen.

This is my starting point of Freedom:

I will move away from others who think differently. I will find shelter and sustenance. I will follow where my personal Gods lead. I will not be bound in my loyalties. I will not be bound in my obligations. I am free to choose who is my friend and who I ignore. I owe no one, and no one owes me. 

I claim a natural right to exist as I choose, like the deer or a mouse or a lion. I, like all creatures, am natural and claim my space in the world as they do. 

Rod Cambridge
March 2017

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Illegal Immigration is the New Slavery

Corporations will always look for cheap labor.  It started with Slavery.  Rich land owners wanted cheap labor so they could make more money for themselves.  If your God is money then there is never enough answers to your prayers.  These rich land owners left us with a legacy of social unrest that will continue for decades. And they don't pick up the tab for it, you and I do.  The New Slavery is illegal immigration, and notice how that is worded. Illegal Immigrant, not Illegal Employment. The media, which is the Corporate Mouthpiece, wants us to blame the immigrant, not those that employ them. If we jailed business owners for employing them the problem would be solved overnight.  But the media blames the immigrant without any mention of the Business people that reap huge rewards for themselves by not playing for labor as they should.

You workers out there should also be aware that cheap labor undermines pay for all workers.  And the lie that is always told is that these immigrants do the work that Americans don't want to do.  Every business type in America employs immigrants that are not here legally.  Even the Tech Giants employ them.  And every worker in America is paid less because of it.  Well except maybe Government Workers.

And once again we are left with social and political problems caused by the rich with us paying the cost of another huge underclass of people just trying to survive.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Misdirection and Building a Better Boogie Man

What is a Think Tank?  Have you ever thought about it?  What is their purpose?  The easy answer is, it's a group of smart people who offer advice. But a better answer is, it's a group that offers strategies on how to cause a specific action. How to push an agenda. How to manipulate. And yes, we are all manipulated.

Divide and Conquer 

Over and over again, the real problems we face on a daily basis are mitigated by us squabbing amongst ourselves. War, Poverty, Disease, Environment, important issues are pushed down the list of what is considered important by emotional issues forced on us to keep us divided.  I've come to believe that some group, somewhere, manipulates our day to day outrage.  It's beautiful in how they channel our dissatisfaction. 

Todays Outrage is Sexual Harassment

I shouldn't be dumbfounded that men are losing their reputations on unfounded allegations by unnamed women with few details. But I am. And I seem to be of the very few that think this is not only wrong but the next in a long line of social problems forced on us by the government/media to keep us divided.  Race, Abortion, Guns, Religion  These things keep us from confronting a corrupt government/corporate conspiracy. 

We Have Been At War My Whole Life

And since the Second World War we have never gone to war with an intention of winning. We go in under maned, spend trillions of dollars making many corporations billions of dollars, and when the government can no longer justify the conflict they pull out and start planning the next one.  And now the government doesn't even care that their reasons for war are illogical or counterproductive. We are conditioned to accept war.  It's now expected. 

Building A New Boogie Man

Watch the news carefully. The Government/Media wants us to believe that North Korea is a real threat. It's not. Nuclear Weapons are obsolete and North Korea doesn't have a single ballistic missile. Why launch a missile when it's much easier to build and release a biological weapon.  The US has always had an official Boogie Man. Do you really think we couldn't find Osama Bin Laden for 20 years?  We created him. Our government funded him against the Russians in Afghanistan. This is no big secret, it's just not part of the official media package because it will confuse the simple minded. We also created Saddam Hussein in Iraq. He was our guy until he stopped taking our orders. Look it up.

Blame the Democrats and Republicans

We the people are taught that we control the government. But we don't. Our votes mean nothing anymore. TWICE the candidate with the most votes have lost. If, like me, you vote for a third party candidate, your vote is stolen from you and given in an illegal "winner takes all" system. This is criminal. 

Imagine what we could do with a congress that works for us!

Imagine a congress that gives tax breaks to companies that hire more people and not invest in automation. Imagine a congress that limits health and drug costs and cuts War spending. Imagine that the system works the way it was meant to. But we don't demand it to because we have given up on the thought that we have any influence.  When a vote comes up in congress your representative doesn't consider what their constituents want. They get a call from the Party Chairman who tells them how their corporate sponsors want the issue decided. 

This is not a Democracy

To the young people today, do not join the Military. Don't sacrifice your life for our corrupt system. 
I joined the military when I was young, but I knew much of what I was told was a lie. I told myself that I would decide what to do. And if someone ordered me to kill the innocent I would turn my gun on the one who gave the order. 

America is not by any Matrix the greatest country on Earth. 

but it could be.