Sunday, April 30, 2017

Today's True and Unique American Freedom

After 60 years of contemplation I had an epiphany today.  My longtime dilemma stems from the fact that people in this country think they are SPECIAL and SMARTER and FREE. And what dawns on me today (April 30th 2017 at 1 pm) is that today's true American Freedom is that people here can believe any STUPID ASININE thing they want. Don't confuse them with facts or bore them with long explanations. Make sure the philosophy you want them to accept has a catchy phrase that fits on a bumper sticker. It all makes sense to me now. I know, it sounds so obvious when it's stated like this. We all know it's true and has been true but for some reason I kept thinking that eventually people would see how manipulated they are. But it just gets worse. It seems, the worse things get, the more people refuse to see it. Perhaps it's a coping mechanism.

A few examples;

A fetus is Sacred, unless an American bomb falls on it.

I voted for him /or her because they are for the little guy.

We have to fight them there so we don't have to fight them here!

My Favorite!

Freedom isn't Free  (I like that it's catchy and requires us to believe we have to continue spending huge amount of money to be free AND, the deeper meaning is Freedom does not equal "Being Free."

OK, maybe I need some better examples but you get the idea.

Like the idea that watching Dancing with the Stars is a Cultural Event.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Day I learned I was a Terrorist

Really, image reading an FBI White Paper and learning that you are considered a terrorist? The White Paper was the FBI's assessment of a group of people in the United States that call themselves Sovereign Citizens.  I don't consider myself a Sovereign Citizen, but because I'm sympathetic to the idea than our Government is out of control I am labeled a Terrorist.

What has happened to America?

Free Speech? When a cop shoots a 14 year old boy because he claims he feared the boy's toy I speak up. When the cop is found not guilty I speak up.  When a Judge claims the boys Civil Rights were not violated I speak up. When Wall Street perpetrates a gigantic scam on the people of this nation and our Government does nothing but bail them out, I SPEAK UP.

It's an easy fix for Government to label Dissension as Terror. And of course, we don't negotiate with Terrorist.

There is no Freedom to Lie

Simple Question:  Should our Freedom of Speech include the Freedom to Lie?  I understand that this can be hard to judge but if someone knowing states facts that are not true to influence someone else I consider this fraud. It should not be legal to steal the truth. But it seems it is. We now live in the Mis-Information Age. It's becoming impossible to know what the truth of any situation is. And if the courts continue to allow us to be lied to perhaps it's finally time to bypass our politically motivated Justice System and meter out justice ourselves.

See my post on Symbols and Propaganda,  our Elected Officials legalized Government Sponsored Propaganda in 2013.  AKA It's OK for the Government to purposely lie to you.  And as a side note:
You should know that it is legal for the Police to lie to you, they can tell you anything including that what you are presently doing is against the law and you will be arrested if you continue.