Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Letter To Dianne Feinstein

 Ms. Feinstein,  

who do you represent?  I am a lifelong California Resident and Veteran.  My family believes in our Constitution.  You took an oath to protect and defend these ideals.  You have done neither.  You have broken this oath over and over again.  You are not our Representative.   I too took an oath, many times I pledged my allegiance to America.  I was promised Life, Liberty and Justice.  America, and you, have not made good on this promise.  I now council young people not to join the Military.  I was honorably discharged but you believe that I am not worthy of owning a military style weapon.  "There is no such thing as an assault weapon!"  Citizens do not purchase firearms for offense.  All firearms purchased are for defense.  For some reason you believe that it is the weapon that is the problem.  Weapons do not load themselves and look for victims.  Highly deranged people are responsible for the shooting you like to emphasize.  DO ANY OF YOUR GUN RESTRICTIONS WORK TO  LIMIT THE NUMBER OF MENTALLY UNSTABLE PEOPLE IN OUR SOCIETY?  


thousands of crimes are prevented because of privately owned firearms.  Thefts, Burglaries, Assaults, Rapes, and Murders are prevented because criminal are afraid of citizens that can defend themselves.  But this is never pointed out by you or the media.  You have not only pushed to remove one of our fundamental rights, you have worked tirelessly to make us victims. You know that in every state that allows cancel carry there is less crime.  So I ask again Ms. Feinstein, who do you represent?  DO YOU REPRESENT OUR CONSTITUTION OR SOME ELITIST ATTITUDE THAT TURNS MANY AWAY FROM GOVERNMENT AND AUTHORITY? 

Rod Cambridge

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