Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Same Sex Marriage Arguments

I never was a fan of same sex marriage. California twice voted it down and a judge from California's 9th Circuit overturned our vote. A Gay Judge. I'm sure he was impartial. This is also why I tell everyone our vote means almost nothing.

I've been reading arguments from SSM advocates about why Polygamy should not be legal. Or why a person can't be married to two different people without each spouse also adjoined. Bigamy. Why has this not thrown the door open to all types of consenting unions.  Well, it has.  And various lawsuits are weaving themselves through the courts and I'm sure there is a lot of foot dragging because; It's not beyond the realm of possibility that SSM could be overturned because of arguments for more liberal interpretations of marriage.

I can see no working argument that endorses SSM and not Polygamy.

I also agree with the the dissenting votes from the SC.  The majority opinion was made out of nothing. Our Constitution does not mention marriage, which means it's up to the States on how to address it. The SC had no jurisdiction to make a federal decision. But it's no big surprise to see Lawmakers not follow the law.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Bullets vs HIV

Bullets vs  HIV

All statistics are from the CDC.
(That's the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, GA.)

CDC Data

HIV Transmission is 4 times higher than Gun Homicides   44,000 vs 11,000 approx.

HIV is still a deadly disease, and there is more that one strain of HIV. One of these strains is not controlled by normal treatment. And like all viruses, HIV is mutating.  But we don't hear about this on the news. If you contract HIV you will probably die from an HIV illness. Your health will be affected by it the rest of your life and your medical expenses will be far greater than a healthy person. 1.2 Million people in the US are infected with HIV.  These are the known cases. It's estimated that 1 out of 8 people with HIV don't know they have it.

So what am I getting at here?  Gay men now seem to be a protected class, where as, Gun Advocates are not.  But the bottom line is;  HIV kills far more people yearly than bullets. There are as many Serial Infectors as Serial Shooters but you never see them on CNN.  Just one of these Serial Infectors has infected 100's of people on purpose but I see no outrage or demand for better control. Why is this?  It's a pretty simple question.  Perhaps if you were shown, night after night, the victims wasting away in hospital beds you would want something done. After all, these victims are the Gay people you demand equal treatment for. So why is HIV just an unfortunate circumstance but an Assault Weapon is a loathsome pariah?

I think you are manipulated by the News.

Here are a couple of things to ponder.

If we had kept all our gay friends in the closet, most of them would still be alive.

When asked, "Who Needs an Assault Weapon!"     Answer,  "Someone being Assaulted."

I could be wrong,

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Why Anderson Cooper?

Did CNN hire Anderson because of his hard hitting journalistic style?   Because he's won prestigious awards for reporting?  Because of his tenacious attitude to get at the truth?

CNN is a Billion Dollar Company. They pay Anderson 11 Million Dollars a year because you will like him. You will believe him.  And you will believe CNN's version of the News. Anderson does not decide what is aired. That would be Mark Whitaker.  The owners tell him what they want and how they want it.  What would the news look like from prison?  From a real soilder in battle?  From a poor man in a dying town?  From your point of view?

CNN is not NEWS. It's propaganda. And you will notice that most of the stories aim the spotlight back at us. Not at government or corporate corruption. Their slant is that the immigration problem is the immigrants, not the Corporations that profit by hiring them.  We are the problem that needs to be solved. Don't waste time on Wall Street Corruption, focus on Gay Marriage and Black Lives Matter.

And what are you talking about? what concerns you?  It's what they lay before you everyday.  They want you afraid of your neighbors, of terrorists, of guns.  You are manipulated.  Why do you think corporations spend billions every year on TV commercials?  Because they work.

Think for yourself.  If CNN is directing your attention toward something, it's because they don't want you looking somewhere else.

Research The Panama Papers, and ask yourself if this is not the biggest story of the decade. And remember, the Panama Papers are about CNN and all their corporate customers.

Are you starting to see what I'm talking about?

Anderson Cooper is paid to sell you a product. The product is the Corporate view, not News.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Police work is not that dangerous.

Check out the statistics at the CDC.
If you want to talk about dangerous jobs, check out the stats for Mail Carriers.  4 times more dangerous than Police. Like I said, the CDC compiles data on Deaths by Occupation.

Police rank right up there with Hairdressers.
You, as a private citizen, are more likely to be shot, stabbed, strangled, or suffer blunt force trauma than a cop.   Most police deaths are driving related, meaning they cowboy themselves into a tree or drive off the road. An off duty motorcycle cop driving illegally on a closed freeway killed himself by slamming into construction equipment and was honored with a parade for dying in the line of duty?

Don't believe all the bullshit you hear.  Check the facts, then construct an opinion.

What to answer when someone asks, "Who Needs an Assault Rifle?"

"How about someone being assaulted?"

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

I Can Not Be Manipulated!

That's Right!

I can not be manipulated

I have not been manipulated.

I am a free thinker!

I am not manipulated by the opinions of my peers.

I am not embarrassed to share my opinions.


OK OK I believe you.

So please write down 3 opinions you are passionate about that are not politically correct.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

OMG don't go there!

And I was thinking about Anti Abortion and Anti Gun advocates. They are very much the same. They both claim they want to save lives. So if you really want to save lives shouldn't Anti Gun Advocates join the Anti Abortion Movement?  Oh, but wait. Some of my friends detest the Anti Abortion movement because even though the goals are the same, they don't want their rights, their choices limited.  Funny how that works out.

Governor Brown signs New Gun Legislation

Do you feel safe now?  No?

But this is what you wanted.
More gun laws. So you could feel safe.

So do you?  How about a percentage.

18% more safe?

12% more?


If you don't feel more safe, RIGHT NOW, why do you keep demanding more laws?

It's probably because you don't know what else to do. What other avenues do you have?

And each time you caterwauler for more laws that don't make you feel safe you take away my Rights. You hurt me and my confidence in our government. My confidence in all our rights under the Bill of Rights. Every time you weaken one of my rights, you weaken them all.

Rod Says;

If you want to feel safer and lessen gun violence, Demand we get our troops out of the Middle East.

OK, smartypants. What's your solution?  It's easy to complain.  It's much harder to offer a plan that can work.

And here's the Hammer. No where in the Bill of Rights is a right to Safety. The Bill of Rights is there to help you protect yourself. The Bill of Rights is what keeps you safe.  Honor it like 1.1 million solders who were told it was worth dying for. And don't 1.1 million deaths outweigh 50 on a dance floor?

More Laws = More Crime

It's pretty simple, if you want a lower crime rate, make less things illegal. I don't recall asking the government to be my nanny. MOST LAWS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY REAL INJURY. THE MAJORITY OF OUR LAWS ARE AIMED AT WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN, NOT AT WHAT DID HAPPEN. You might hurt someone with that Illegal Assault Weapon,  go to jail! You might hurt someone if you drive 35 in a 25. Pay a Fine!  There is no end to what might happen. Drones were targeted before any harm was done because of course it Might Happen! We pay for the incarceration of thousands of people because of what they might have done!  Does this make any sense to you? And no one asks to see the data. BY WHAT MATRIX DOES THE GOVERNMENT USE TO CONCLUDE SOMETHING IS DANGEROUS?  AND FINALLY, WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO LIVE IN A FREE COUNTRY?  AND FOR THOSE WHO TOUT CONCERNS OF SAFETY, WITH ALL THE THOUSANDS OF RESTRICTIONS WE LIVE WITH EVERY DAY DO YOU FEEL SAFE?  Hundreds of thousands of laws exist that restrict us for what a few would do. We are prisoners of the few. We gave it away and you tell me still you don't feel safe. That we need more Laws. The truth is you will never feel safe. Their is no Safe no matter the Laws.

Friday, July 1, 2016


Knowledge is;
understanding that the Police are not your friend,
that what they do is not to protect you, but to keep you in line. 

Wisdom is;
years of contemplation, 
concluding I was wrong,
Blame not the Police. 
Forgive them their behavior. 
They are but children, keen for acceptance. 
And the Judges accept them, embrace and protect them. 
Wisdom is understanding,
that it's the Judges that must burn.