It's apparent to me that television programing is controlled by some unnamed entity.
It's obvious that presenting bi-racial couples / partners / friends is mandated. (Or What?)
How are these productions controlled and WHY? What is so important about these relationships.
Have they helped to foster some kind artificial racial unity? Doesn't seem to have worked does it.
It wasn't all that long ago that nearly every show had a black face in a managerial position. The TOKE
minority to show that minorities can occupy upper management positions. How sad is this! Are
minorities so under represented in real life that this is required? If I was a minority I would be insulted
by this attempt at social engineering by the media. But maybe that is not the reason, perhaps the reason is
far different. What if the reason is to cause social intolerance? Divide and Conquer.
What I see now on television is and endless parade of social intolerance. Story after story to confirm the
idea that our society is a bottomless pit of racism and sexism. And it's all lies. Look! another black man is
killed by police, and what is left out is on the same day multiple white men were also killed. Black Lives
Matter, (a slogan created to insight devision), is on every channel. As a white man, I ask myself, could
we really be the cause of black social failures? And each time it's asked, it is answered with a resounding
"NO!" Like all groups, there is a vocal percentage that wants attention. I speck to this group, not blacks
in general. Where is your self-respect? Where is your responsibility for your situation? Did your
parents support your education? If not, where is their responsibility? Did you work hard in school
because you were bright enough to see that educated people had better lives than those who were
uneducated? Or did you bow to your stupid friends that said Fuck Them! and Fuck it! Where is your
responsibly to the life you have. Nobody took that better life away. You gave it away. You gave it away
and you want to blame others for your failing.
And next we get to talk about the white apologists. These are the white people that believe that systemic
racism exists in America. That blacks didn't have everything they needed to succeed. That some white
people constructed barriers to keep black faces away. Do you know why they believe this? Its because
THESE are the people, that deep-down truly believe that blacks are inferior, and they feel such guilt
over these thoughts, they feel so conflicted over what they are suppose to believe and what they see that
they blame themselves for black societal failure. It's pretty funny when you think about it. Those white
people that hold the strongest beliefs about racism are the most racist.
Why are you here? British Aristocrats started the importation of slaves onto the mainland to compete with
plantations in the Caribbean. America has not been formed yet. Colonies here were under British rule.
One of the first things American did once it had won its independence from the British
was to make slavery illegal. Then we fought another war against the Plantations in the South to make
them comply. The Civil War killed more soldiers than all our other wars combined. Yet America is
blamed for slavey. America should be celebrated for ending slavery! And the blacks in America today
live far better lives than they would in Africa. If it is so bad here, if you are so marginalized by systemic
racism why are you still here? You can live anywhere in the world you want. If us white folk are as
terrible as you say, why don't you find a better, safer place to raise your kids?
Why do Asians do so well in America? Asians were persecuted in America. Treated like dogs and
worked to death. Placed in prison camps during the war. Now they excel in every field. When they
protest its against Affirmative Action that keeps there hard-working children out of college. Yet they still
succeed. Do you think white men accept Asians more readily than blacks?
Think again, older whites have not forgotten the 2nd World War and the attack on Pearl Harbor. Some of
my relatives did not accept my girlfriend because of her slight Indonesian features. She looked Asian to
them and Asians where he enemy.
Blacks don't want more Opportunities, or to see more black faces in Positions of Power.
What they want is to see it Burn.
Black Lives Matter, Affirmative Action, Preference in Contracts, Demand for higher numbers of
minorities in all Positions. And look where we are? White America has done what it can to help blacks
integrate into the system. To help blacks succeed in the system. But the vocal blacks don't want
opportunities, they want something else. I think the bottom line is they want respect. But they don't want
to earn it. "Give Me Respect! and, "Disrespect ME and prepare for my wrath!" Violence is a given.
Most white people are non violent, they don't go around with a chip on the shoulder daring anyone to say
something they can twist into disrespect. Most white people are also afraid of the cops, but if we see
another white guy wrestle with a cop and get shot we don't throw a childish tantrum. We don't demand
what other are doing about this injustice to white people.
Let's talk about Self Respect. Something that comes from your actions and the way you are preserved by
others. The foundation of Self Respect is respect of others, respecting your parents and your family. You
first need to know what respect is before you can apply it to yourself. Self Respect also goes had in hand
with self identity. Who am I? Who do I come from? If you don't respect your parents it can be harder to
respect other adults like teachers. If your culture is driven by a want to separate themselves from the
broader social norms then you will have less and less opportunity to respect through your beliefs. You
may be able to think you respect a sports star of musician but this is an incomplete assessment. You
might like what they can do, but not like who they are, because you don't know them.
If Blacks want to forever be classified as less intelligent, this is the way to do it.
So who gets reparations in America? Every person black and part black?
Even if none of you relatives were slaves in America?
And who should pay these reparations?
All the newly made American Citizens from all over the world?
How about only White People?
Should those families from the North that lost loved ones in the Civil War be exempt?
Haven't we spent Billions in every kind of effort to give Blacks preference
in hiring, in schools, in contracts?
African-American? There is no such thing. If you want to distance yourself from being American you
will be distanced by others. If you don't want to speak everyday English you will be distanced and
thought of as uneducated. If you want to use un-conventual names for yourself you further this
distancing. All of these things do not add up to culture. They signal anti culture, we reject your culture.
it's like giving the finger to someone else's culture and then expect / demand respect. Fat chance.
Dear Black People, if you didn't get the message, "You Are Free!" Just as free as the rest of us. And just
as responsible for creating your own life. You will never have Self Respect as long as you blame others
for you situation. Nor will you get real respect from others.
Today there are 9 million black slaves in Africa. (Do a search of world slavery) This is black slaves
owned by blacks. Surprised? Did you think the European traders that landed in Africa with trade goods
went out and beat the brush looking for children? Slavery had been in Africa a long time before white
Europeans got involved. They had things to trade and the Africans had slaves. So the next time you are
made to feel guilty about slavery, (and remember, you have never owned a slave). Just ask yourself, what
are they complaining about? They still have millions of slaves in the county they so proudly identify
with. African American
Wanting to be called African American
Disrespects yourself, particularly if you wish to highlight American History. Blacks in
America kill each other 10 times more often than whites killing blacks. And getting pissed off when
someone asks you if you live around here is pathetic, I asked this question once to a young black man
because I needed directions. I will not talk to a young black man on the street again if I can help it.
Yes, so why all the Bi-Racial Couples on TV? Is it to make us think this is normal, or is it to piss us off?
You decide.
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