I will always question any social outrage that targets a specific group.
Today it seems to be open season on White Men for whatever grievance women or some ethnic groups have. As a White Male I can tell you this strategy is a loser. It will get attention in the short term but place the group at a disadvantage for decades. Let's take Affirmative Action, has it worked? And how would you know whether it's worked or would blacks be in the same place today without it? We don't know, but what White Men see is a group that needs help. And if they still need this kind of help it's because they are not
equal. Sure, some of you reading this will bring up the old socio economic excuses but that just doesn't cut it today. Don't you think many other groups could claim this same situation? Affirmative Action is government sanctioned proof that they aren't
equal. They, as a group, should demand that it end.
Now we come to today's Headlines of rampant Sexual Harassment. Women venting their outrage at a male dominated society that blatantly and aggressively pursue their sexuality! OMG Ladies, first off, isn't this what you have been promoting with your male gay friends? But my larger point is this;
Women have used their sexuallity since the beginning time to give themselves an advantage.
OK Ladies, point blank,
Your Use of Sexuallity is also Sexual Harrasment. You need to accept that you are just as culpable as the men you disdain. I think the big difference is, if a man is taken advantage of by the use of female sexuallity they will blame themselves. They take the hit. Sure, women blame themselves too, but those that don't take responsibility have another option. Blame the bigger and stronger gender because the excuse is, women are not
Women don't understand that your demands of justice for you inequitable treatment place you in the same position as blacks. We see your demands as a statement that you are not
equal. You need special consideration. Your demands and outrage will give you some short term satisfaction but in the long term, to us White Men, you look weak and less capable.
The bottom line is, many people hate us, because they want to be us.
And the truth is you can.
And I'm going to tell you how.
Women, as a group, you need to conduct yourselves in the same manner with the men you want attention from, as the men you don't. This idea that if you're "uncomfortable" it's harassment is laughable to men. You don't get to wear those pants that make your ass look great and then complain because men that are not on your short list are looking at you. Women never claim harassment towards those men they want attention from. That's what makes your argument untenable.
If a man were to touch my wife in an inappropriate way I would expect her to respond with either strong verbal response or a rock solid punch depending on the violation. And then immediately report it. Claiming you were touched 10 years ago and expecting sympathy and justice now are ridiculous. Take some of these claims and turn them around, imagine it's a man claiming a woman grabbed his crotch and said "You like this?" and he's complaining about it now. What do you think of that man? That he's a victim? Do you have any sympathy? No, you think he's weak and wants attention.
And if you haven't noticed, men sexually harass each other. It's part of our culture, we attempt to dominate each other, if you're intimidated by the game, it's because we're looking for weakness. Don't be weak.
Women, what some of you are demanding is that we act like you, or pretend to be sexless drones, automatons that mechanically inhabit the workplace. Well, if you get your wish, stock up on gothic romance novels because the weak ones of your gender will destroy any chance of romantic love.
or maybe I'm wrong? unlike most people, I can change my opinions when confronted with a better argument, can you?