Our Justice System now wants to convict people for manslaughter for what they have text messaged!
This is absolutely counter to our 1st Amendment. Freedom of Speech
These same people took an Oath of Office. They swore to uphold and defend our Constitution. We require them to pledge themselves to honor these principles. And they SWEAR to honor them. Next, they are doing all they can to tear them down.
Are those, that have sworn to uphold these Rights, still legitimate in their authority? I don't think so. The moment that they turn against us and our hard fought Rights, they have lied to their Oath, and to us.
You may ask, just because they have disregarded their Oaths, they still have their positions, they still hold their office. Yes unfortunately, but the question is of their Authority. Do they maintain their Authority. I SAY NO! What they now wield is not Authority, it's Force. Authority is enabled when we, as a group, agree to a overbidding principle. These office holders no longer agree to these principles. They no longer wish to be constrained by the rules that they agreed to uphold. They are outliers that have broken from the group. They have abdicated their Authority. What they have instead, is Force. Like the Force used to Rob at Gunpoint. A man holding a gun to your head does not have Authority.
The First Two Laws of Authority are:
1. Authority always demands more Authority.
2. Authority always demands less Accountability.
We can no longer accept this mistreatment. Walk through any of the 1000's of Veterans Cemeteries in the US and Europe. These men and women died to protect freedom, the freedom that comes from our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Those that break their Oaths of Office desecrate their sacrifice.
When confronted with Force, don't see it as you against the system. The person standing in front of you that has broken their Oath is the problem. It's you against this individual that is attempting to undermine your Rights. It's you against them. Take it personally. Say NO! Surround yourself with your supporters. Resist. Patriotism isn't allowing yourself to be intimidated.
Patriotism is Standing Up for what you know is Right.