Don't equate Health Insurance with Health Care. They are two completely different things. You have two gigantic entities paying off our elected representatives to maximize their profit. Your pain and suffering is their Golden Goose. And unlike every other 1st World Country, our taxes do no cover Health Care.
The 2017 Black Budget of the US
would pay for Free Heath Care for every person in America.
So don't tell me there is no money for this. And in a Democracy don't the People Rule? Our vote means nothing. Once again, in the last Presidential election the loser got 3 million more votes than the winner! We don't have a Democracy. I'm not sure what to call it. And I certainly wouldn't send our children to die in war to defend it.
Who's in charge?
Do we have to PAY our elected representatives to represent US? Do we have to pay them more than the Corporations and Wealthy Elite to do what they were elected to do?
This Experiment has Failed
What can you do? Grass roots movement? Get politicly involved? No. Those avenues of change are gone. All we are left with is revolution. And I vote for one without violence but: All Countries start out like the birth of a baby, with blood and screams of agony. And they all end the same way. Greed killed America, Paid off political parties killed America. And worst of all, Corrupt Judges killed our civil rights and bestowed the crown of authority to Wealthy Corporations. There is no taking it back.
All we can do is ride it out or leave. And trust me, those boarder fences some demanded will also be keeping us in.
Ways to survive:
Don't keep all your assets in paper money.
And don't keep all your assets in the US.
At the first sign of trouble your representatives will close the banks and keep you from what is yours.
This is what they did 100 years ago during the great financial collapse. Then they will close the boarders to keep anything else you have from leaving. Why is it, even now, you can't leave the country with more than $10,000? It's not their money, or is it. You have been brain washed into thinking you live in a FREE Country. You Don't. Here the only freedom is, the freedom to accumulate obscene amounts of wealth. And those that do this don't keep their wealth here. The biggest story than never got reported was the Panama Papers. Proof of how all the biggest Corporations in the US hide their wealth and don't pay taxes on it. Do a little research, look up the Panama Papers and save the article. Print it and file it before it's removed from the internet or completely obscured by thousands of false stories. As look up Sock Puppets, the governments propaganda machine of 100's of thousands of fake people online. They do this to undermine your opinions. And last but not least, look up Propaganda in America. It was made legal in 2013. Every Newspaper, Novel, TV Show and Movie is affected.
here is a link to the Panama Papers: