I Predict In The Near Future, the US will Suffer a Major Cyber Warfare Attack.
Perhaps We'll Receive a "Patriot Score" based on our Browsing History.
The Scores real purpose is to rank you as a potential threat. Maybe these scores will be used in hiring Government and Corporate Employees. I would have never believed that Drug Testing could be demanded by employers. It can't possibly be Constitutional! But the weak minded will trade everything for Safety. And like I've said before, no matter how much you trade, you will never feel safe. Because the ones asking you to trade are the ones that make sure you are always afraid.
The Big Question will be, "Was This a False Flag Event?"
A False Flag Event is when a Government claims "falsely" that it was attacked. This is done to give an excuse for what the Government has been planning on doing. They want you to accept that they had no choice but to remove more of your freedoms so they can protect you. OK, so now maybe you're thinking that our Great United States Government would never do this! Well, it already has.
This is a classic "False Flag Event." The General and the Joint Chiefs lied to Congress about an attack on the Destroyer USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin. This gave President Johnson the authority to invade Vietnam. I'm not making this shit up! Use your Freedom to Learn while you still can. Many people believe that parts of our government knew about a possible attack on the World Trade Center and let it happen so they could invade Afghanistan and get all these new laws passed so they can bypass our Constitution. (Let me be clear, I don't know what to believe!) And that is a big problem for the US Government. THEY ARE NOT CREDIBLE. Now, our Government hides so much behind what they claim to be NATIONAL SECURITY that few people know what is really going on. AND HOW CAN A DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE KNOW HOW TO VOTE, IF ALL THEY ARE TOLD IS HALF TRUTHS AND LIES?
General McNamara and the Joint Chiefs of Staff lies to Congress to get us involved in the Vietnam War.
So Get Ready for the next big Adjustment to our Constitution.
Perhaps nows the time to start thinking about ways to communicate in an ad hoc fashion. That means small intranets not connected to web.
I have noticed a major change in how the major search engines are delivering results. These results have little to do with the search requested. They are nearly all aimed at official explanation or for-profit web sites. Even advanced search, when verbatim is specified, bypasses sites that adhere to the requested parameters. Information is being denied via specific algorithms. Perhaps this strategy will be enough to manipulate research counter to the accepted official doctrine.
I have noticed a major change in how the major search engines are delivering results. These results have little to do with the search requested. They are nearly all aimed at official explanation or for-profit web sites. Even advanced search, when verbatim is specified, bypasses sites that adhere to the requested parameters. Information is being denied via specific algorithms. Perhaps this strategy will be enough to manipulate research counter to the accepted official doctrine.