Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Same Sex Marriage Arguments

I never was a fan of same sex marriage. California twice voted it down and a judge from California's 9th Circuit overturned our vote. A Gay Judge. I'm sure he was impartial. This is also why I tell everyone our vote means almost nothing.

I've been reading arguments from SSM advocates about why Polygamy should not be legal. Or why a person can't be married to two different people without each spouse also adjoined. Bigamy. Why has this not thrown the door open to all types of consenting unions.  Well, it has.  And various lawsuits are weaving themselves through the courts and I'm sure there is a lot of foot dragging because; It's not beyond the realm of possibility that SSM could be overturned because of arguments for more liberal interpretations of marriage.

I can see no working argument that endorses SSM and not Polygamy.

I also agree with the the dissenting votes from the SC.  The majority opinion was made out of nothing. Our Constitution does not mention marriage, which means it's up to the States on how to address it. The SC had no jurisdiction to make a federal decision. But it's no big surprise to see Lawmakers not follow the law.

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