Monday, June 7, 2021

Studies on Gun Violence are Incomplete

 How do you count the number of times a criminal does not burglarize a home because of fear? 

And how often are "On Duty" Police officers mugged? 

It's impossible to weigh violence against safety. 

How do you calculate the number of times something doesn't happen? 

First off there is no such thing as gun violence, there is only violence. When have you heard of knife violence? Should choking be called Hand Violence?  Terms like Assault Weapon and Gun Violence were invented to push the claims of anti gun activists. What something is called makes a difference. The millions of legally sold Assault Weapons were bought for Defence, not Offence. They should be called Defence Weapons but this does not sell the idea that these rifles are dangerous. 

The AR-15 type rifle with it's .223 caliber bullet (standard) is not used for deer hunting. The bullet is too small. Did you know that? The .223 bullet is the same diameter as the .22 caliber bullet.  This cartridge size (.223 or 5.56) is classified as a varmint rifle. It would be used on ground squires. Why was it designed this way?  The Army wanted a small caliber weapon for Vietnam. With smaller cartridges a soldier can carry more rounds. And wounding an enemy soldier is much more debilitating to the enemy, it requires 2 soldiers to tend to the wounded. It takes no soldiers to tend to the dead.  Yes, the .223 caliber bullet has a higher velocity than a .22, this gives it a flat trajectory over a longer distance. Heavy bullets get pulled down by gravity so hitting something far away with a bigger bullet is more difficult.  Singling out the AR-15 as some kind of super deadly weapon is a myth, made up to help the anti gun forces. If you believe that Assault Weapons are the bane of American existence you have been lied too. How do you feel about that? Do you feel manipulated? When you talk to your friends about Assault Weapons do you think you sound knowledgeable? 

THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SEMI AUTOMATIC "ASSAULT" RIFLE AND A SEMI AUTOMATIC DEER RIFLE, only the deer rifle will do more damage. Outlawing "Assault" Rifles" will push bad people to buy bigger caliber weapons! These bigger caliber weapons will do far more damage.  They cost just as much, shoot just as fast and the magazines are just as big.  Does this sound like the smart thing to do? 

When I was growing up in the 60's and 70's guns were everywhere. Most pickup trucks had racks on their back windows for rifles. And guess what, there were no mass shootings.  Lots of guns and no mass shootings. What has changed?  Everything!  The Government wants to take no responsibility for the stress it has inflicted on the populus.  Jobs have been moved out of the country, labor unions have been criminalized.  Workers have been turned into commodities.  Advertising has been so refined that kids are killing each other for their tennis shoes. We see everyday a multi tiered society where the upper levels steal millions of dollars and pay a fine.  Murders who can afford the best lawyers walk away from their crimes. Now with the Covid lockdown communities are at the boiling point where any excuse justifies property damage, burning and looting. And the police stand back and let it happen. 

If the government truly wanted to reduce the violence in America they would focus on the WHY, not the HOW.  And there is no stopping the insane. If they can't buy a gun they will rent a truck and drive over a line of people on the street.  

Our Government never audits its laws. They never ask, Is this Working? No, they just pile on more and more laws that inevitable turn law abiding citizens into criminals. 

Why would any normal person want to own an "Assault Weapon."  They must be crazy. 

I'll tell you why I own one.  I was a soldier, I was trained with the Colt M-16. I was taught to respect this tool. It was how I could serve my country. It was a means of keeping myself and my country free. That's what soldiers were taught. We fought for freedom. We fought to not be like the Communist Chinese. We fought the Germans to free Europe. Gun ownership is proof that we live in a free country. That Individual Rights are important.  We have miles and miles of white crosses to honor those people that gave their lives to protect our freedom. Did they die for nothing? Is the joke on them that they were stupid to believe our politicians. Did they really die for Corporate Profits?  When I hear any person trying to undermine any of our constitutional protections I think how spoiled they are.  How selfish.  How ignorant of the cost. 

Should the lowest criminals and the insane structure our society?  Don't we have prisons to lock those away that can't function in a free society?  Or should we look at each other with suspicion and dread of what someone might do.  The media pushes the idea that we are not safe.  The government wants us dependent and malleable.  For the vast majority of people on this planet, the only gun violence they have been confronted with is on their TVs.  

A scared populus is an easy to control populous. 

Are you really afraid? Or has this fear been planted in your head. 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Covid -19 Escaped? from the Wuhan Lab (YES)

From the Beginning,  Covid-19 / A Divided People / Propaganda / UFO's 

From the beginning I have been beating the drum of common sense that this virus must have come from the Wuhan Lab in China.  Many of my friends said NO it didn't, Their sources (that won't lie) tell a different story. One of the underlining opinions about my statement was, I was pushing dangerous rhetoric, I WAS AGREEING with President Trump!!  If Trump said it was coming from the Wuhan Lab then it MUST BE A LIE!  I must be a Trump supporter!  Another acquaintance posted that he was tired of wasting his time correcting my statements that were nothing more than conspiracy theory. Others said I should think for myself and stop believing the anti government propaganda!  WTF?  

The "Me Too" Movement:  One of my very close friends, expressed her approval of the Me Too movement.  Really?  You think it's great that MEN are losing their jobs, having their reputations ruined by unsubstantiated claims?  I was dumbfounded that a smart logical person could be so easily co-opted into believing that this was reasonable.  I made the case to her that women also use sex to gain advantage, should they be called out, ostracised, should they be removed from their jobs and have their reputations ruined?  Without any proof, without any presumption of innocence?  Of course she does not want to contemplate any thinking that reduces her joy at sticking it to the man.  OK, I let that one go, nobody's perfect.  But when I got it from her with both barrels that my statement about the virus were verboten.  That it was irresponsible to go against the government's narrative. This is when I lost respect for her. It seemed she was willing to trade our friendship for her opinion. 

Fear; this is how many are controlled. The majority of people in the US don't understand how manipulated the News Media is. I've wondered for years why not matter which news you watched the stories were all the same. In a world with a billion interesting things going on just a few stories seem to get coverage. Strange. Then I read about Operation Mockingbird. How the government, by whatever means, enlisted 400 of the top people in the news media to push their agenda. This story was broken by Carl Bernstein. The News we all depend on is broken. Our government does horrible things.  They manipulate the stories that you see to get your consent. 

Information about Operation Mockingbird       

Read the Book: Manufacturing Consent  

I've believed UFO's were real for many years. No matter how often they were ridiculed by the news or the government, I knew something amazing was going on. Now, finally, the government has confessed that they do study UFO's. That they are real.  Then I laugh out loud when they claim that this is not proof of Aliens.  God, so funny.  This is the biggest story in the history of mankind.  Alien visitation.  I the past, how were 100 ton blocks cut without drilling. How were they moved for miles and perfectly placed?  We can't do this today. People think, Oh they used rollers, or they floated the blocks on water to the construction site. Ridiculous.  They didn't cut the blocks into bricks because is took less energy to move these gigantic blocks. How did they do it?  Did they have technology that we don't?  How could that be? How did they calculate the perfect coordinates for North, West, South and East?  

Covid-19 and the Divisional Politics of the US

We are being systematically divided.  Race, Gender, Politics, Religion, Language, are all used to divide you and me here in the United States. This was a planned and executed operation. Covid is the cherry on the top.  How better to make us fear each other. Wear your MASK!  You are a danger if you don't follow social distancing and wear your mask. But I don't yet know why this is being done.  What near future event would require us to be disorganized and divided.  I don't know.  Are we on the cusp of a totalitarian one world government?  Will the Mothership land soon and take control of the world?  I don't know.  But whatever it is, it's not going to be good for you and me.