Wednesday, December 30, 2020

HIV Killed Millions (And the Government Had No Restrictions)

 HIV vs Covid-19 

HIV killed Millions of people, and it continues to kill people today. If you contract HIV you will die in time from an HIV illness.  

So where are the Social Restrictions for HIV. 

Is it we didn't want to be rude to one of the new protected classes of people, (Homosexuals?) 

In fact the government passed laws to protect those with HIV, let them continue to work, let them continue to interact with any number of people.  

Well sure, because HIV is different. You can't get it from a sneeze.  You can't get it from a sneeze until it mutates like Covid has done.  The more people that get it, the more chance for a mutation. And if you are talking about a virus that lowers the body's ability to fight a virus then it is all the more likely. And HIV has mutated. But no lockdown, no laws against spreading it. Sure have sex go ahead. 

But Covid, that has killed thousands requires us to crash the economy, to lose jobs, close businesses, fundamentally change everyday life. 

I expect things to be consistent. When they are not, I tend to believe that there is something more going on. 

Is something more going on? 

Low Cost Illegal Labor undermines all Labor

 Low Cost Illegal Labor lowers the value of all labor.

This means that what you are paid as a legal worker will be less because cheap labor increases the number of workers and reduces your value. 

Many believe that Illegal Immigrants only do the work that Average Americans don't want to do.

This is the lie Big Business wants you to believe.  

Illegal Labor / Workers here without permission are in every business. There are a large number of them in Construction Jobs and these are jobs Americans want! They can be found in every corner of American Business. Because they will work for less money and less favorable working conditions this affects all jobs. 

They do not need to be kept out of the workforce, but we do need a guest worker program that keeps out criminals and limits the numbers of workers.  

Have you never asked yourself why there is no enforcement of the laws against businesses that employ them?  It's because they are good for business.  They are the slaves, the underclass that has no leverage against businesses. 

If the laws were enforced against businesses that hire them there would be no need for the Wall. 

What Happened to ISIS?

Did we win? 

Or has that Boogie Man run its course? 

So who will be the NEW BOOGIE MAN?  

How about we target those radicals that demand their God Given Rights? 

Yes!  Those Dirty Constitutionalists, those Dangerous Bill of Rights Believers. 

They are attempting to destroy "TODAYS" America. 





Take their dangerous ideas and bury them. 

Nothing is too "Safe" for us. 

The End of my America

 Wisdom demands that all political systems will fail. 

But it is with surprise that I watch America peak in the Sixties with the Moon Landing in July of 1969 to its failure in 2020 with its lies about a manufactured virus. Its decline also has a specific date.  November 22nd, 1963 with the assassination of John Kennedy. This was the event that began the downward pressure on the Republic. 

I am an American. I pledged allegiance to the flag, I made my promise and those that control the flag broke theirs.

Life, Liberty and Justice for all. 

America's God is $$$, CASH and Power.  Power to stifle competition.  Power to buy favorable legislation. Power to accumulate more $God.

The average person does not understand that Money is Finite. If the few have most of it, the many are left to scramble for the rest. The few use their power to create need, to create shortages, to create monopolies. 

The many accept this system, accept that healthcare is outrageously expensive.  That energy and food is the same. They also accept/believe they must have a certain pair of shoes, a specific phone, a new car. They are taught to believe that with these things they will be happy, successful, attractive.  They don't see how they have become thoughtless slaves to shiny expensive toys. 

The many have traded liberty for safety.  Yet they don't feel safe.  It's funny that there is such a chasm between belief and reality.  The many believe that fantasy is fact.  Television IS Fantasy.  Its stories are fantasy, its values are fantasy, its NEWS is fantasy. Yet the many believe this fantasy is reality. 

This Fantasy has killed America. 

There is no fix, there is no solution.  There is nothing that can be proved, no example that will awaken. 

Most people are asleep, and sleep is comfortable. Many see bits and pieces of the non reality but they slam their perceptions closed.  No no that's the nightmare, don't look at that, they forget as they fall back to sleep. 

Sleep Well Americans, sleep well in your lockdown, sleep well in your comfortable slavery.  Little did you understand that as you enjoyed the series The Game of Thrones, you were being locked in and sold as the peasants that you are. 

December 30th 2020

Sunday, December 20, 2020

New VUI (VooDoo) Variant of the Lab Modified Covid-19 [Released?] in Europe

 What we are told about Covid is Bullshit.

Get real people, do a few hours of research. Covid was being modified in the US under Fauci. Bio Warfare Labs are now designated as Bio Defence.  Here is the thinking, Let's take a virus and make it more infectious to humans so we can create strategies on how to fight it. WTF!  Fauci was doing exactly this with Covid, then the consensus from other virologists was that this is way to dangerous and this practice was ended in the US.  It's called Gain of Function.  So our hero, Fauci, moves this study to a new Lab in Wuhan China. The first of its kind in China with a poor safety record. AND the Wuhan Lab is given a 7 million dollar grant.  And guess what?  It's claimed that a few miles away this very same virus, Naturally, infects the customers at an exotic foods market. 

BULLSHIT!  How can any thinking person believe this?  Nevermind that the virus was never found anywhere at the market. This virus that has shut down the world has never been found in nature.  I believe that the virus escaped the Wuhan Lab prematurely. OR someone released the virus near the lab so it would take the blame. 

Who does Covid kill?  The number of victims in the US shows a clear pattern of who is most at risk. Old people, 60 and over, Blacks and Latinos.  Wow!  Now why would some entity in the world target these people?  Maybe because there is no strategy for mitigating Climate Change?   Think about it.  How long before the World Population Doubles?  How can any meaningful change be made to the toxins and pollution and garbage and plastics being dumped into the environment.  Look at the big BIG PICTURE. 

Why the big push for self driving cars and TRUCKS! Why is AI and Automation being pushed to fill jobs that people need?  Maybe because the plan is to not have so many people??  Well how would YOU get rid of millions of people?  How about a pandemic?  Let's start out with something mild.  Like a bad flu.  Then we let people get used to all these restrictions because we don't want them to burn down the world that a few of us hope to inherit.  Then lets step up the process,  Oh sorry people, the virus has mutated, it's worse now. It will kill more people, but don't worry, if you're young, under 50 now, and not a minority you'll probably be OK. (Until we release phase 3). 

Well it looks like Phase 2, let's call it the VooDoo Variant is well established in Europe now.  

And what can we do about it?  We can try to spread the word but without the media looking into this we have little leverage.  When you listen to the news you have to remember, this is BIG CORP talking.  These people you see don't decide what to report. They are news readers. They are an honest face paid millions of dollars because focus groups have rated them on how likeable and honest they seem. Their goal is to not rock the boat so much that profits decline.  Just wear your mask and you'll be alright! Don't worry about your jobs, don't worry about your business.  Just stay inside, don't make waves, don't speak out of turn and never speak against the official narrative. 

Gain of Function Research Caused the Pandemic

I've had many people ask me how we should manage Covid.  (Manage Covid?)   To those of you that have never had an independent thought it is very fucking simple. 


Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Letter To Dianne Feinstein

 Ms. Feinstein,  

who do you represent?  I am a lifelong California Resident and Veteran.  My family believes in our Constitution.  You took an oath to protect and defend these ideals.  You have done neither.  You have broken this oath over and over again.  You are not our Representative.   I too took an oath, many times I pledged my allegiance to America.  I was promised Life, Liberty and Justice.  America, and you, have not made good on this promise.  I now council young people not to join the Military.  I was honorably discharged but you believe that I am not worthy of owning a military style weapon.  "There is no such thing as an assault weapon!"  Citizens do not purchase firearms for offense.  All firearms purchased are for defense.  For some reason you believe that it is the weapon that is the problem.  Weapons do not load themselves and look for victims.  Highly deranged people are responsible for the shooting you like to emphasize.  DO ANY OF YOUR GUN RESTRICTIONS WORK TO  LIMIT THE NUMBER OF MENTALLY UNSTABLE PEOPLE IN OUR SOCIETY?  


thousands of crimes are prevented because of privately owned firearms.  Thefts, Burglaries, Assaults, Rapes, and Murders are prevented because criminal are afraid of citizens that can defend themselves.  But this is never pointed out by you or the media.  You have not only pushed to remove one of our fundamental rights, you have worked tirelessly to make us victims. You know that in every state that allows cancel carry there is less crime.  So I ask again Ms. Feinstein, who do you represent?  DO YOU REPRESENT OUR CONSTITUTION OR SOME ELITIST ATTITUDE THAT TURNS MANY AWAY FROM GOVERNMENT AND AUTHORITY? 

Rod Cambridge