Saturday, November 18, 2017

Authority vs Force [Why you should Ignore Most Laws

Somehow people forget that our laws are generated by the same group of fools we call Congress. Their approval rating is the depth of a toilet bowl. If we don't approve of what they do, why do we follow it?  FUCK Congress, and FUCK their work product, which is Legislation. [LAWS]

Did you know that it's against the Law in California to have a bird feeder? But somehow it's legal to buy bird food?

Our Governor just signed a bill to lower the penalty for INTENTIONALLY giving someone AIDS. It was a Felony, now it's a Misdemeanor.  Some asshole can give your loved ones a deadly disease ON PURPOSE! and it's treated like petty theft. FUCK THE LAWS.

Laws are not created to be logical, to be consistent or even to be just. They are as incompetent as those that make them. Congress is incompetent and so are their laws.

I suggest you take all interaction with authority, personally. These incidents aren't with you and the law. They are between you and some PERSON that means to do you harm. Perhaps they want to take your money for some dubious or illegal reason. Perhaps they want to take your freedom. The LAW is often used as a gun to steal from you when no harm has been committed. Learn to say NO! and volunteer nothing. If they want something from you make them take it.

Remember, in all of these interactions, the authority they have, is what you give them. There is a giant divide between Authority and Force.  Authority is when we all agree and respect certain rules. Force is used when we don't agree and respect. And that's what we are left with today. We don't agree and we don't respect so those that choose to enforce use force.  I suggest we use an opposite and equal force until we are once again respected.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Dear Americans YOU ARE STUPID

American's must be the most stupid people on the planet.  So easily manipulated, and it's not that you trust anything. You simply lack the brainpower to see thru the most ridiculous lies you're told by business and government.  And I have to live in this world that you accept and contribute too.

Here are a few clues. I'm 60 years old and we have constantly been at war even though we have no enemies at our borders.  We have been at war because the giant corporations that run this country want to continue reaping the gigantic profits of the war machine. There is plenty of money for Health Care and social programs but you have been convinced that these are a waste of money. YOU ARE STUPID.  Clue #2. Contract Law and TOS Agreements.  You probably don't even know what this stands for. TERMS OF SERVICE. These Agreements you click thru remove all of your rights under law. WHAT GOOD ARE OUR RIGHTS IF YOU GIVE THEM AWAY?

Your State probably has specific rights to protect you as a worker BUT the company you work for has Incorporated in Delaware or somewhere that does not grant these rights and those are the laws that you work under. YES, you can work in California and pay California Tax but have the rights of whatever state your company's Headquarters resides.  This is because the people you vote into Congress have FUCKED YOU and you keep voting them in, again and again.

Your Government is just an extension of Corporate interests. You are as much a slave as those bought and sold Two hundred years ago.  Your vote means nothing. It's window dressing to let your weak mind convince yourself that the people in American run the show.

Now let me tell you who the real enemies are, and there are TWO.  First it's the MEDIA. Billion Dollar Corporations that constantly pound their message into your heads. We are a free country, but you're nothing if you don't have the latest iPhone.  You have the Bill of Rights, but don't click that TOS!

But the second enemy is one you rarely hear stories about. They are protected and hidden. They are the JUDGES. They are the most corrupt entity in this country. They corrupt our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. They allow the Police to murder your children and the Corporations Murder you financially.  They are the whip and the protectors of the lie.

Soon we will be told that we must submit to Marshall Law because we are threatened by enemies from outside. This will be a lie. The enemies are here amongst us. And they are getting more paranoid all the time. Because the lies they have been spinning are getting thin, so thin that even the stupid are having a hard time believing them.  Consider this, we have spent Trillions of dollars trying to control Al Qaeda. They account for maybe 30,000 people.  That's the size of a tiny midwest town.
In the Bay Area that would be like the town of Martinez.  Trillions of dollars and we can't control Martinez?  It's all a lie, why can't you see it?

Andy Lopez, a 13 year old boy is shot 7 times by the Santa Rosa Police Department's Training Officer, Erick Gelhaus. Please don't forget this assholes Name, ERICK GELHAUS. HE KILLED THIS KID FOR NOTHING. ANDY WAS DOING NOTHING ILLEGAL. HE WAS CARRYING A TOY AIRSOFT GUN. Gelhaus yelled at him to drop the gun, the kid turned around to see who was yelling at him am Gelhaus fired 8 shots at the kid. This took maybe 2 seconds. He kills the kid because he says he felt threatened. No Criminal Charges are filed against Gelhaus and later he's promoted.
Police are protected from lawsuits. They can do the most horrendous things and can't be held personally responsible. But the Department can be sued which means you and me pay the millions in damages for their crimes! How the fuck is that reasonable. It's not. The truth is, our government wants the cops to be protected so they don't fear keeping us in line. Truly, the cops job used to be to protect us but now it's to make sure we keep paying our taxes and not rock the boat.

This Bitch,  Sonoma County District Attorney Jill Ravitch rules that the Andy's civil rights were not violated!   FUCK YOU JILL!  FUCK YOU AND SHAME ON YOU!  WHAT IF IT WAS YOUR KID THAT WAS KILLED?  and this proves, we have no civil rights. The Police are supposed to protect us. Protect us with their lives. We are not supposed to be killed because the cop was scared. They volunteered for the job, they volunteered to risk their lives.  How did this shit get so upside down?  Blame the Judges. And people like this Bitch. 

Remember this face, Erick Gelhaus, Public Servant and Government Protected Child Killer.

I believe in Karma and I hope a shit ton of it is headed his way.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

What is Sexual Harassment / And What Isn't

As a man, this is one of the more interesting questions I get to ponder.  A few observations are:

Men have no clue, because mostly it makes no sense.

Men think it's a demand made by men against less powerful women.

"Blow me or you're fired!"  Sure, that fits.  but "You look nice today?"  does not.
It's yet another one of those, if I'm uncomfortable it's harassment.  Imagine a man claiming harassment because of a woman's perfume. How does that make him look?  And let's face it, these laws are for women against men.  Ultimately it only makes women seem weaker and less capable.
A female Affirmative Action.

OK, so here is the fly in the ointment.

Sexual Harassment is never directed at the man the woman wants to be noticed by.  If the boss asks out his underling and she wants to be asked out, that's fine.  If the woman does not want this attention it becomes harassment.  So how is the guy to know?  It's funny how often women think guys can read minds.

Scenario 1 / A woman at work gets asked out, a nice adult invitation. She does not want to seem to eager or she was caught off guard so she declines. She decides she likes this guy and hopes he asks again. Sometime later he brings it up again and she can't because of an obligation. On the third suggestion she accepts.  All good.

Scenario 2 /  A woman at work gets asked out, a nice adult invitation. She was caught off guard by this and does not want to date this guy so she declines. She hopes this guy doesn't ask her again. Sometime later he brings it up again and she claim she has another obligation for that evening and hopes this guy gets the message.  On his third suggestion she sees no end to this and labels it harassment.  All bad.

So perhaps you're thinking, the company should have a no dating policy?  This would fix it.  Fix it for whom? First off, it's not the companies responsibility or their Right to tell people how to live and act. Most people seem far too willing to allow Government or Business to govern their human interactions. FUCK THEM!  We end up with all this bullshit because the woman in Scenario 2 doesn't just say she's not interested in dating this guy.  She's just trying to be nice you say?  So this guy gets fired because she's trying to be nice?  She's weak and her friends should have told her how to say No to the guy in a nice but clear way. Her friends don't realize their actions are limiting their own opportunities.

How often do women ask, "How does my ass look in this?"  How often do they wear form fitting clothes to show off their breasts and their backside.  They want attention, but only from a short list of friends and co workers. And if those on the list make a positive comment it's great. But those off the list better not be looking at them?  How do you expect to get it both ways.  Well logically you don't.  That's why most harassment allegations are baseless.

What follows is a real world experience that I witnessed.

I worked at the San Francisco Headquarters of the Gap for many years. I worked closely with the IT Department. One morning the IT employees came to work and found that they were charged with Sexual Harassment. A female worker from another department was offended by a poster that was hanging on a wall in the IT Department. All the employees it that office were giving written warnings and a letter went into each of their files describing the incident. What did not go in their file was a picture of the offending poster. The poster was a Gap Ad, that had been in the newspaper and was also hanging in the Ladies Undergarment Department. It was a beautiful young girl wearing Gap under clothing and showed no more skin than a bathing suit. But because one person was offended now all the people in the Department were criticised. Two of the people were women. This is political correctness and sensitivity training gone insane. Or do you agree? I'd love to hear a thoughtful explanation as to why this was necessary. 

So what is SEXUAL Harassment?

A person makes rude or cruel or demeaning sexual comments more that twice to a co-worker. And twice he is told to stop.  That's harassment.

This would include a woman calling a man a "pussy," more than once. And being told to stop.

A man demands sex from a woman for her continued employment or advancement.

Below is also harassment that is never prosecuted or even talked about.

A woman offer sex to a man for employment or advancement. 
Seems harassment only goes one way.

Discomfort is not harassment. Grow up Ladies, you claim to be equal, start acting like it.