I grew up during a time when we believed in the absolute need for freedom of speech. We had a saying,
"I don't believe in what you're saying but I will fight for your right to say it." Today this has been forgotten. People can't have open honest conversations anymore. No one shares their opinion. What happens now are two things. People are free to agree with the government and media social engineering. Black Lives Matter is acceptable. All Lives Matter is not. People are not allowed to voice alternative opinions because they are guilty of being uninformed and or even heretical. Alterative opinions are to be criticized and those that do not accept today's politically correct dogma are to be punished. Dogma.
It's funny that many of my friends are antireligious. All Priests are child molesters. And the church is sexist. ergo it has no value. What my friends forget is the church is one of the last systems that instill the concept of karma. My friends attacked the church when Gay Freedom became popular. My friends have never given any thought to how their encouragement of Gay Freedom led to the deaths of millions of gay men. They have never asked themselves, "If we had kept them in the closet would they be alive today?"
They can't think in these terms. They are infected with media Group Think. Media says 1 + 1 = 3 and they don't question it. They are not able to stand up to the Group Think because it has been designed to reinforce their bias. For women, men are sexist. They forget they are including their husbands, their fathers, their brothers. They have been taught to be racist, in this case, it's focused on gender. They don't understand this is racism, this is discrimination. They overlook this because they want to feel powerful, equal, and they want revenge. Sadly, it only makes them less equal. Just as blacks attack all whites as the reason for their circumstance. They are unable to take responsibility for where they are in their lives. If a black man is killed by police it does not matter that a white man, and men of every nationality are also killed. They want what? justice? equality? why do they believe their violent actions will achieve this?
But of course my opinion is, "privileged." So it automatically is discounted. Its a very convenient way to discount all other opinions, and lazy. I have found that in general you get what you give.