Please read this and understand that most people have been inundated with anti 2nd Amendment propaganda.
In Defence of our 2nd Amendment.
Everyday, 1000s of Robberies, Burglaries, Rapes, Assaults, even Murders are Stopped before they happen because Citizens can defend themselves. You don't hear this on the News. You don't read this in the Newspapers. You don't see this on your TV Shows. What you see is the horrible aftermath of what a very few, TOTALLY CRAZY, people do. Every 6 months you read that dozens of people are killed and injured by some completely damaged person and yes, these are terrible events. But you forget the 1000's of crimes that didn't happen everyday.
In places that have total gun control the crazy people use cars and trucks to kill people on the street. I won't list them here, but there are many better ways to kill large numbers of people than a gun. Next think of all the laws that the Anti Gun Groups demand to stop this violence from happening again. Gun Registration, Background Checks, Assault Weapons Ban, on and on. None of these Laws have stopped the violence. You can't stop crazy people with laws! AND These laws are not meant to stop the violence. These laws are the step by step agenda to confiscate our 2nd Amendment.
The 2nd Amendment was added to the Constitution to Protect its Citizens from an out of control Government. And truly, look at our Government today. Do you feel like your Representatives speak with your voice? In California, the majority of voters have not voted since 1966. People no longer believe their vote has any power. I believe that every vote not cast is a vote against the present system. The major Parties have passed laws to undermine every third party candidate. Winner takes all rules that have been approved by politically appointed Judges killed off any Third Party Hope.
And the choice between the two parties candidates is usually no choice at all.
Now we have Corporations demanding their customers give up their Constitutional Rights. Where are the Judges, that are suppose to protect our Constitution? Where are the Politician, that took oaths to protect our Rights? The Politicians have their hands out for the cash from the Corporations. Legal Payoffs. And our Supreme Court has ruled that Money = Free Speech. This is the blow we may never recover from. And ultimately, it's the Judges that have destroyed our protections.
A Judge ruled that a 14 year old boy, killed by the Police, because he carried a toy rifle to his friends house, ruled that his Civil Rights had not been violated! If this is the case, then we have no rights. If you can be killed by mistake, by those we pay to protect us, then what rights do we have? This cop was the Cities Training Officer. Not some new recruit that made a terrible blunder, but the cop that trains the new recruits. To add even more insult he was promoted. Its this System that wants to disarm us of Legally Purchased Firearms to stop gun violence!
Boycott SALESFORCE and educate yourselves about our Constitution and Bill of Rights. It's these two Documents that makes this country great. Soon they may be only sad facts in our History.