"Biblical" is what I thought.
And I, like many, believed the narrative.
Until someone showed me a video of Building 7 collapse.
Building 7 was a 47 story building two blocks from the the Twin Towers.
It collapsed perfectly on it's own footprint, Completely, Evenly, Perfectly.
Arial photos of the area show the buildings between the Towers and Building 7.
Building 7 was two blocks away. These buildings between were damaged,
BUT STANDING. How is that possible? Then I saw something else.
YouTube has many videos of Building 7. They showed the building on fire, smoke
coming out of the windows, and the Experts claim it fell because it was on fire.
But the first video I watched had no fire, no smoke. Had the fire been added.
Then I ran a search.
How many building have collapsed from fire?
Thousands of building have caught fire in the past and none have collapsed like the Building 7 and the Twin Towers.
And I learned a new term;
Cognitive Dissonance
This is why people will deny what they see, or what they are told, that conflicts with their personal belief system. It's a way to protect themselves. We are a Country firmly convinced that what we are seeing isn't real.
It's real, I'm sorry but it is.
The video I linked to is gone. Like many of the videos from 911, they are disappearing from the internet. YouTube, that is now owned by Google is censoring content that they do not agree with. WTF? Remember Freedom of Speech? Soon it will be nothing but a memory.
The video below was of Building 7. It was two street over from the Twin Towers. This 47 story building collapse at freefall speed into its own footprint. This building was not hit by any plane.
It remains as one of only three building to collapse due to fire. In the history of construction, a steel constructed building has never collapsed due to fire, not until 911. And no steal constructed building has collapsed in the 18 years since 911.