Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Misdirection and Building a Better Boogie Man

What is a Think Tank?  Have you ever thought about it?  What is their purpose?  The easy answer is, it's a group of smart people who offer advice. But a better answer is, it's a group that offers strategies on how to cause a specific action. How to push an agenda. How to manipulate. And yes, we are all manipulated.

Divide and Conquer 

Over and over again, the real problems we face on a daily basis are mitigated by us squabbing amongst ourselves. War, Poverty, Disease, Environment, important issues are pushed down the list of what is considered important by emotional issues forced on us to keep us divided.  I've come to believe that some group, somewhere, manipulates our day to day outrage.  It's beautiful in how they channel our dissatisfaction. 

Todays Outrage is Sexual Harassment

I shouldn't be dumbfounded that men are losing their reputations on unfounded allegations by unnamed women with few details. But I am. And I seem to be of the very few that think this is not only wrong but the next in a long line of social problems forced on us by the government/media to keep us divided.  Race, Abortion, Guns, Religion  These things keep us from confronting a corrupt government/corporate conspiracy. 

We Have Been At War My Whole Life

And since the Second World War we have never gone to war with an intention of winning. We go in under maned, spend trillions of dollars making many corporations billions of dollars, and when the government can no longer justify the conflict they pull out and start planning the next one.  And now the government doesn't even care that their reasons for war are illogical or counterproductive. We are conditioned to accept war.  It's now expected. 

Building A New Boogie Man

Watch the news carefully. The Government/Media wants us to believe that North Korea is a real threat. It's not. Nuclear Weapons are obsolete and North Korea doesn't have a single ballistic missile. Why launch a missile when it's much easier to build and release a biological weapon.  The US has always had an official Boogie Man. Do you really think we couldn't find Osama Bin Laden for 20 years?  We created him. Our government funded him against the Russians in Afghanistan. This is no big secret, it's just not part of the official media package because it will confuse the simple minded. We also created Saddam Hussein in Iraq. He was our guy until he stopped taking our orders. Look it up.

Blame the Democrats and Republicans

We the people are taught that we control the government. But we don't. Our votes mean nothing anymore. TWICE the candidate with the most votes have lost. If, like me, you vote for a third party candidate, your vote is stolen from you and given in an illegal "winner takes all" system. This is criminal. 

Imagine what we could do with a congress that works for us!

Imagine a congress that gives tax breaks to companies that hire more people and not invest in automation. Imagine a congress that limits health and drug costs and cuts War spending. Imagine that the system works the way it was meant to. But we don't demand it to because we have given up on the thought that we have any influence.  When a vote comes up in congress your representative doesn't consider what their constituents want. They get a call from the Party Chairman who tells them how their corporate sponsors want the issue decided. 

This is not a Democracy

To the young people today, do not join the Military. Don't sacrifice your life for our corrupt system. 
I joined the military when I was young, but I knew much of what I was told was a lie. I told myself that I would decide what to do. And if someone ordered me to kill the innocent I would turn my gun on the one who gave the order. 

America is not by any Matrix the greatest country on Earth. 

but it could be.