Sunday, October 22, 2017

News? What is Real News?

Like most things today, what we call "News," is a lie.  Real news has no agenda. That means those who are informing you of events in the world are giving you the known facts and letting you decide what is good or bad. Today's News is all about getting you to react in a way the News Corporations want. CCN and Fox News are where most people get their news. Please don't watch these programs. You will be misinformed and your opinions will be manipulated.  Think of what causes you are passionate about?  I will bet you even money that it is one of the many politically correct attitudes that have been delivered to you by these Networks.  The way to tell if your opinions are self discovered is if they are contrary to your peers.  Let me give you a short list of Politically Correct Opinions.

Terrorist or Terrorism  [no such thing]

Gay Rights  /not Human Rights

The United States is a Free Country

Pro War / We have to fight them there so we don't have to fight them here. [pure bullshit]

Support our Troops  [this is great propaganda, don't look at policy, don't look at how many women and children they kill] Support Them because they are our boys and girls.

Affirmative Action

Quoting the Constitution means you're a Crazy

Guns Are Bad

Offensive Speech and or Anyone Offended by Anything must be Acknowledged and something must change.  [Who Needs Freedom of Speech]

Hate Crimes

Also ask yourself, what's not reported? 
I know this can be hard.  Why so little news about AIDS/HIV?
Yes, people die from gun violence but far more people contract HIV every year. The number according to the CDC is 50,000. Do you have any idea what AIDS costs us?  Most people with HIV will die from an AIDS related problem. They will be less healthy and require much more medical attention than someone without it.  The population with AIDS related issues is also the perfect vector for a new virus to cross over to the human population. What do I mean by that?  Humans with weak immune systems are the perfect host for new or mutated diseases to infect all humans. How many AIDS viruses are there?  Did you think there was just one?  All viruses mutate. They are always trying to get stronger. As we treat them, the few tiny mutated virus cells that are not killed by treatment attempt to grow. There are 13 different subtypes of HIV now. These subtypes can combine into new viruses called CRFs.  read about it here.  HIV Strains  Our Governor in California, Jerry Brown, just signed legislation changing the law about knowingly giving someone HIV. It had been a Felony to give someone HIV on purpose.  Basically, killing them slowly.  He has signed a bill to make it a misdemeanor.  I hope no one he loves gets infected.  So what other stories are not getting reported? 

Add your own.

TV News is selling you a product. It's Billionaires hiring MIllionaire Talking Heads to tell you the state of the world. Imagine News direct from our Soldiers, from our Jails, from Real People.  It would look very different.  [See my post on "Why Anderson Cooper"

Don't Watch TV News, or if you do, don't watch it, study it and you will quickly see what it's doing to people.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

3 Million More Votes and you lose?

How do you receive nearly 3 million more votes than your opponent and lose the election? How is this possible and why do we accept it? Our Constitution is not by and for the Electoral College. Explain how this system is more fair? Twice we have received buffoons from this process. Twice, more people clearly voted for the other candidate, and that candidate lost. There is an easy fix for this. There is no need for a constitutional convention. If this outrage ever happens again, the electors will be charged with casting their votes for the candidate that wins the popular vote. And not all states have to instigate this. You say this isn't possible? Many states already deny the electors from changing their vote. Yes, a state can overwhelming vote for one candidate and the electors are not tied to that vote. WTF This was done to keep someone like Trump from being elected! Since it didn't work it's long past time to change the game.

Where is the Threat?

As our President continues to claim that Health spending is out of control, our Military Budget, by far the largest in the world, continues to suck Trillions from you and I. Consider this, our soldiers are paid slave wages while the Corporations reap huge profits. And where is the threat? Our borders with Canada and Mexico are not threatened by invasion. Our war machine is now in overdrive to create a new boogeyman of North Korea to keep the funds moving. Sadly, a nation so uneducated and manipulated that would vote in someone so unprepared deserves what it gets. Greed, Stupidity, and Fear have nearly killed this country. I lay the majority of the blame on the major news media and the two major political parties. They blabber about the smoke while the whole structure is burning. I believe we have only one more non violent lever to pull to redirect the country. This is just my opinion and if you can convince me otherwise I'm willing to listen.