Friday, January 27, 2017

Why Protest is Useless in AMERICA INCORPORATED

   It's disheartening to see so many good people protest Trump. If they had put this much effort into the election perhaps we would not have this problem?  Protest is useless. It might make you feel better at first, but, when you realize nothing has changed you get politically depressed.  Because we no longer control the country.


It's time to realize that our vote does not count.

Our Representatives do not represent US.

The promises this country has made us is Propaganda. 

We have only one resource left to us to make non violent change. 

We need to: Stop Feeding the Beast

Pull your money from the Stock Market and Bank Accounts. Place it overseas if you want it to continue earning. And then we need to stop paying our unsecured debt. Stop paying your Credit Cards and Insurance. If 1 out of 10 people did this we could change the World. 


Yes, there would be a short term fluctuation in the DOW. The Politicians and the News Talking Heads would proclaim the end of the world. (Remember, your favorite talking head is the mouthpiece of a giant corporation. He or she does not control what they say, they are hired because the corporation believes they are Believable, Likeable, your Friend.)  

I need your feedback on this. 

What would you change first?

The second important part of this is, we need a unified demand. We need to agree on what we want.
I suggest we start with Campaign Finance Reform. Do you understand that most of the money Campaigns spend is on Television ads?  We the People of the United States own the Airwaves. We can demand that all candidates get an equal amount of time to make their case. WITHOUT CHARGE. We can make money irrelevant. We need the best ideas! not the best funded candidate.
We could also outlaw NEGATIVE ADS.  No way you say, not possible. We have Freedom of Speech Right?  We did until they outlawed Cigarette Ads. There is now a whole list of things that can't be sold on Television. 

Now back to the main point about protest. Our Politicians count on protest. We place all our energy into whatever we are the most upset about, and soon, we run out of gas. Remember OCCUPY WALL STREET?  CNN and FOX focused all your attention on the freaks and fringe to discredit the movement, and you believed it. CNN and FOX are the talking heads of Wall Street.  

This is a sad fact about Americans. 


After the Marches and Rallies we go back to our TV Shows and lame Facebook Social Media Sites. We tell ourselves we did all we could, and year after year we see our Bill of Rights continue to erode to the point of it being meaningless. Walk through a Military Graveyard and ask yourself. What did they sacrifice themselves for?

The only real Freedom I see in America that I don't see in many other countries is, we allow individuals to hoard gigantic sums of money. Please make the case for me of why anyone needs a Billion Dollars?  Money is finite.  That means that there is only so mush money and when a few hoard it that means many other people have less.  Could a Corporate CEO's make gigantic salaries and bonuses without their workers? No they couldn't. But they work very hard to limit what their employees earn and get praise for it.

Let's Stop feeding the Beast, $$$ and Lives 

Rod Cambridge 1/27/17

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