Friday, December 16, 2016

Political Prisioners

Many people don't like guns.

Many want them banned from American Society.

When I ask people why they feel this way, two things always become clear. They have never shot a gun and they don't know anything about firearms. Their fear comes from the news and the societal pressure from their peers. These things are understandable but what I don't understand is that with every effort to give them real information they shut down. They don't want to hear anything that might interfere with their opinion. Why are so many people afraid to investigate the reasons for their opinions?

If you are not afraid, please read this little story.  It has to do with the present propaganda about Assault Weapons, but it goes much deeper than that. It goes to how people are manipulated by the news and our politicians. This story is not just for people who who are pro gun.

If you hate guns you need to know that the present laws work against your wishes.

I'm going to tell you a little story about our law makers and how they operate. Instead of Assault Weapons I'm going to use Motor Vehicles, but you will soon get the point.

News Headline

A Speeding Truck Hits a School Bus and 25 Children are Killed and many more are injured.
For the next 5 days with nothing else to report CNN shows in graphic details what happened to the bus.  Interviews of sobbing parents and then relatives, and when they run out of family members they interview the dead children's school mates, many who didn't even know the victims.  Outrage at the Truck Driver escalates as TV viewers are now invested in the tragedy.

Something Must Be Done!  

Next, many politicians use the tragedy to garner attention. They draft hasty legislation and are embraced by rabid TV viewers as hero's. SPEEDING is killing OUR children!  It must be stopped!!
So the politicians float the following idea. To cut down on speeding we shall clamp down hard on cars that go fast! FAST CARS ARE BAD!!  Fast cars are killing our children. We will heavily regulate fast cars. We will add taxes and require more training to anyone that wants to drive a fast car.

We Will Stop the Carnage by Banning.... the SPORTS CAR!

Never mind that it was a Truck that hit the School Bus.

We will double the registration fees and require special background checks to make sure the driver has no speeding convictions. The cars will be required to have a manual transmission so it can't be used on full auto and a special locking ignition so that children can not easily grab the keys and go for a drive. New Sports Cars must have smaller gas tanks, this way they will have to stop more often and drive slower.   The list of regulated equipment rises every year and if your Sports Car is found to be in noncompliance it's a Felony.

If your SPORTS CAR is parked in the garage without it's newly required locking gas cap it's an instant Felony! 

And after years of taxes and regulation and 1000's of Felony arrests Speeding is more rampant than ever.

Sounds ridiculous right?  And all the people that were arrested and their lives and career ruined because they didn't have the proper gas cap lock can't even vote to change the law because once you have a Felony conviction you can't vote!

Right now there are hundreds of rules like "You must have the proper button to detach the magazine" or it's a Felony.  1000 of people in California have Felony convictions because their equipment did not conform to the latest rules.  These people did no harm and their lives in many ways are ruined because politicians want to look like they are doing something.  These people are victims of nonsensical rules made up by legislators that most of us don't trust.  These Convicts are Political Prisoners.

If you still hate guns you need to know this. The so called Assault Weapon is popular because it's what most people in the military trained with. Not because it's a bad ass looking killing machine!
An Assault Weapon is the Sports Car of Weapons. It's a little smaller and lighter than a hunting rifle. But what you gun haters need to know is, Assault Weapons use one of the smallest cartridges, you might call them bullets. There are over 50 larger caliber cartridges available that do much more damage but you have been sold on the idea that Assault Weapons are extremely dangerous. They use the NATO designated 5.56 round. That means it uses a small bullet and it was picked by NATO because it was not meant to kill. Wounding your enemy is much more effective in WAR. It slows your enemy down by the care your enemy needs to give their wounded soldiers. You have been taught to hate and ban a class of weapon that does much less damage than most. You would not hunt deer with an Assault Weapon. The bullet is too small. This size rifle is used to kill varmints like prairie dogs and squirrels.

Our present Laws are nothing more than Political Theater.

The last thought I want to leave you with is this:  There are gun tragedies, no doubt.

But I want you to consider this,

Everyday, 1000's of crimes do not happen because.......criminals are afraid of lawful citizens with guns. 1000's of rapes, burglaries, and muggings never happen because criminals are afraid.  When you hear about the next mentally ill person killing people with a gun remember all the crimes that didn't happen. And, that if that person didn't have a gun, he would just run down a line of people with a car or a truck at a movie theater.  YOU DO NOT NEED A GUN TO KILL.

In every state where it's easy to carry a concealed handgun, all types of crime go down.


The picture below is of a 30.06 and an Assault Weapon 5.56 cartridge. The big one is for deer.