Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mabel's iPhone

Good news on Mabel’s iPhone. After its dunk in the toilet the
phone was rinsed and locked in a bag of rice for a week. (The rice
will absorb all the moisture.)  After three days we gave up and
Mab started shopping for a new iPhone ($750).  After 5 days we
were sure the phone had given up its ghost and Mabel pulled
out her old iPhone and got it activated. After 7 days the phone
showed some very small signs of life. The little Apple logo would
light up and then all would go quiet. On the 8th day after being
charged, the phone booted to the lock screen. I ran upstairs
and showed Mabel this miracle. Kind of a miracle in reverse since
the phone went in the toilet on Easter Weekend. Mabel unlocked
the phone and everything sprang to the desktop. All the juicy fruit
colored icons were clamoring for attention. Everything looked normal
until Mabel loaded an app with a white background. The screen looked
like a sky with big puffy white clouds. It was really kind of pretty but
the fact was the screen had been compromised.  Mabel was still happy
that the phone functioned normally aside from the art deco patterns
on the screen. She tested the battery life and made calls and sent texts.
Everything worked! And after a few days when next I looked at the phone
the clouds seemed to be slightly smaller. I pulled up the memo app that
looks like lined paper and counted how many lines the clouds crossed.
This was to compare the screen at a later date to see if the clouds really
had diminished. Mabel loved this idea and ran with it. She covered only
the areas on the screen that were cloudy with a variety of characters to
pinpoint the problem. It looked like a spell done with mystic ruins.
The next day Mabel showed me her screen and it was apparent that
the clouds were moving away. Yesterday they were almost gone
and in some small way I will miss them. Now Mabel has just another
normal iPhone.  Tonight I will press it to my nose and hope to smell
a tiny bit of pee.